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Everything posted by pail

  1. Ehhhh.... I can't really allow it. I'm pretty much using The Genie as my point of reference for characters like that. He's in the movie a lot, he even has an arc... but the movie isn't about hm. Kind of like how LotR is about Frodo, and not Gandalf.
  2. Huh, I never realized that was Gibson in Pocahontas. Same goes for Lion King. Who's JTT? Johnathan Taylor Thomas? Idk why I remember him. Can't remember anything he's been in.
  3. No Googling. Name at least one voice actor that played a major Disney movie protagonist (obviously animated films, no Anne Hathaway answers plz, xp). And... eh, I guess Pixar films are allowed too (though I think those characters generally have more recognizable voice actors). And by protagonist, I mean the main character. Obviously everyone knows Robin Williams played the genie, dragon Eddie Murphy, etc. No ancillary characters. Princes, princesses, main characters only. How many can you think of? I'm kind of embarrassed to say this, but I couldn't think of a single one. I'm probably forgetting someone really recognizable, and will feel like an idiot once one of you posts it.
  4. Ed has a brother, Able. Ed and Able. They're awesome.
  5. With his friend, Ed.
  6. Must have been a rere. Birds don't start chirping regularly until 5:30 in the morning. Or, more truthfully, about 20-30 minutes before"true" sunrise.
  7. Lol, no they aren't. Not for another hour. Or do you live in Newfoundland? 🙄
  8. So 2/5... Kinda like YOUR MOM! OHHH! Sick burn. 🔥🔥🔥 Quick, somebody call the 🚑. We got a burn victim here. 🔥🚑😷 < You 😎🚬< Me
  9. You call 4 am "after a night"? Shiet. It ain't that unless you passed out in the booth at 9 in the morning after whipping your 🍆out and giving all the old church ladies a good show.
  10. Spiderman.... ...... .... Is in the film. 😎🚬
  11. Why does everyone keep calling it part one? They dropped that subtitle over a year ago.
  12. Yes. Protip: They don't like it when you drunk drive there just to order coffee. Then you pass out in the booth. Then you wake up, and leave w/o paying like: 😎🍆
  13. Denny's =/= A diner Either way, you're a man now. 😎🚬👍
  14. You're welcome. 😎🍆
  15. You're lucky you didn't get hit. If you had been hit all the genius Inspector Go Go Gadget Goffuckyourselves here would have chastised you for "doing pills", assumed their moral high ground and returned to huffing their own gas.
  16. Lol. Wow. So much anti-American contrarianism. Be careful not to cut yourself on all that edge.
  17. Put down the bong. You're starting to say crazy stuff.
  18. The Hobbit trilogy. Which was a prequel-sequel trilogy. And not the first one, either.
  19. The original 'Jumanji' movie. Except instead of getting sucked into a board game he got sucked into a C-Rank casino and Van Pelt is a grumbling manager instead of the antagonist from 'The Most Dangerous Game'.
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