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Everything posted by pail

  1. Also, if you assume he's not chugging two Java Monster's after a night of blackout drinking.
  2. That's rather specific.
  3. I don't know the exact number of days, but it's had to have been several months since the last time I had a drink of anything. The last time I remember getting drunk was after the hurricane last year. I think I just got tired of it, because it wasn't a conscious decision on my part really. Oh well. I think I'll go grab a Java Monster and some scratch tickets.
  4. That's just one of the banner ads.
  5. Yes. Content and happy.
  6. It debuted in China just last weekend, roomtemp. International releases are staggered.
  7. No word if a one theater policy will be implemented. We can only hope.
  8. Bucket's gonna die the way Bucket lived.
  9. She is specifically referred to as "Asian" by another character in the show. And she's from Japan. Just putting two and two together here.
  10. Goofy-ass ginger Vegeta would have been great. Toriyama, for all his nonsense, should have just been like "Yeah! Yeah they look great! Exactly what I had in mind!" It really would have made the series at least twice as good.
  11. I am of the opinion that we should just have it all be canon at this point. Including the movies. Two reasons for this. One. Akira Toriyama is the most prolific bullshit artist to have ever lived. He has just been asspulling from the start, essentially. Two. Those 'Super' episodes concerning time travel, and specifically how time travel works in the universe of 'Dragon Ball', are so fucking confusing and impossible to comprehend that nobody, including Toriyama himself, knows exactly how time functions or operates within the "world" of 'Dragon Ball'. It's so convoluted and dumb that the only way I can even remotely begin to try and explain it is... it's alternate universes... inside a multiverse... and Trunks's hair is blue? It is literally baffling and makes no sense.
  12. So, supposedly, there was this game called Dragon Ball Online. And it was an MMO game set in the world of DBZ a couple hundred years after the end of the Buu arc in Z. Now, a lot of people don't consider any of this material canon... But there's some backstory to the game involving the main characters of Z. Notably, Goku and Vegeta. Basically, after Buu is defeated nothing else really happens and Goku and Vegeta just kinda keep training. Eventually, they both acknowledge that they're entering their twilight years and decide to leave Earth and spend the rest of their days battling one another in space. So basically, Goku and Vegeta are getting old... they just want to fight one another... So, they do just that. They leave Earth, and their families behind forever to go fight one another in the depths of space. Now, I know this has kinda been done to death already but... You guys... you guys think they fucked? Like. That was the first thing that came to mind after I heard about this. I thought 'Oh. Okay. Well, they definitely probably fucked each other too.'
  13. I must have missed that part. But sure by some miracle of genetics Chise's recessive every tenth other generational gene was activated therefore Japanese gingeru. Okay.
  14. <34774©|<_Cadillac.wav
  15. I hear retrograde amnesia and conscious suppression of emotions can be symptoms as well.
  16. Personally I think it's only funny if you're on the mend from a psychotic break following Hillary's defeat. I'm no psychologist but I hear that PTSD can fuck with you for the rest of your life.
  18. Since I've realized I'm never going to be a musical genius I've been experimenting by moving towards more contemporary arranging, 4 chord, "emushrenu" lyrics, simpler passages, less dick noodling, something that doesn't sound like a retarded ape trying to emulate jazz. Uh, this... Only has the 4chords really. It's not very good, but I had to record myself to hear if I was harmonizing correctly. I didn't take the time to write any lyrics so I just use single words, simple phrases and long single notes: Drive. Just drive. Into. The sky. Best I could come up with on the spot. Overall it's not very good. Poor recording quality, bad acoustics, off rhythm strumming, pauses, cracking vocals, off key vocals, extreme repetition. Fair warning. I really only recorded this for self-reflection. This isn't this first time I've tried to sing and play simultaneously, but it is the first time I've felt any sort of coherence or "coming together" so I wanted to hear what it sounded like. It's awful, I'm including this lengthy preamble to try to convey to you as best I can that there is an almost certain guarantee that you won't find this enjoyable, entertaining, competent, pleasant, worth your time. I am not fishing for compliments or "constructive criticism". I've stated several times that I'm fully aware of the many failures of this effort and in all honesty do not recommend listening to it. I recorded it, it's bad, I'm posting it here. You have the option to listen, if you choose, but as stated previously I can very nearly with complete certainty guarantee that your time would be spent better elsewhere, engaging in something much less terrible than this. I've put up plenty of crime scene tape. You've been warned. And I have been 100% honest. For, most likely, just myself - here: https://vocaroo.com/i/s1fdD1KqqeuO recording-2018-01-05-02-44-56.mp3
  19. <_< I... I knew that! I was just testing you! Baka!
  20. Tarkovsky sounds familiar... I'll have to look him up to see if I recognize any of his work. For some reason I want to think he was the director of 'π'; but I'm probably just confusing him with someone else.
  21. I'll have to look into it. Thank you.
  22. Need to read them in any particular order? Or are they stand alone pieces?
  23. I haven't read the book, never even heard of it. Worth a read?
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