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Everything posted by pail

  1. I gave up on paper towels a long time ago. Now I just shamelessly let it crust and discolour my boxers.
  2. "Nothing lasts forever but the Earth and sky."
  3. Eh okay I was being a little Mello Yellomatic. No but it does suck taking showers right now because our house has AC but no heat so it's actually really painful for me to take showers in this kind of weather. Going from freezing to hot to freezing again before shuffling off to work is a real pain in the ass.
  4. AGGHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUHGGGHHHHGGGHHH!!¡!!!!!!!!11!!! ayyyyehhhhhh And done.
  5. What is context?
  6. I wish. Every droplet is a painful reminder that if I didn't have to keep up appearances to maintain an occupation I would probably just stay in my bed until the waking up thing stops.
  7. It's like that movie. 'UnBFFded' Quick, turn off your computer or else an Omegle ghost is gonna possess you and make you stick your hand in a salad bowl! oooOOOooo? ? ? oooOOOooo
  8. I didn't know there was one. I'll go if I can afford it. Which I won't because I'm poor. Yiff some catgirls for me.
  9. pail

    I hate you

    Someone cue da Blue October.
  10. A Gingernese mangaka.
  11. Those characters don't apply here. In this particular show, one of the main characters' ethnicity and hair colour are cemented as contextual fact directly by another character in the show. I don't remember the line off the top of my head but it's something along the lines of "Ah. You have such beautiful red hair. It's rare for an Asian to have red hair. This will make your wand very awesome-eru." Not literally that but, honestly, not far off either. It's essentially setting the precedent that everything in the show is literally as it appears. Which means if any green-haired gals do show up, that means they have dyed their hair. It's just a weird level of self-awareness for a show. Particularly a show like this. Because it's primarily a drama and not a comedy.
  12. I'm still not buying it. And maybe that's the joke in and of itself. That the most unbelievable thing in a show with magic, faeries, and dragons... Is a Japanese person with red hair.
  13. I don't think he has a five million gallon pool in his backyard. Sorry girl.
  14. They messed up. By not skipping IBO entirely. Shit. I'd rather marathon One Piece than watch IBO. IBO? More like BM amirite fam. Amirite.
  15. Knowing how brutally unforgiving this show is, I almost don't want the second season to be made... Because I just know something terrible is going to happen to Nanachi. ;_;
  16. Uh huh. You're confusing facts and opinions. It's okay. I hear that's a common ailment brought upon by fanboyitis.
  17. Uh huh. Yeah... Because Japan is teeming with gingers. I'm really supposed to believe this crap? I don't know where this show is trying to go.
  18. Yeah. Code Geass. One of the highest rated shows on MAL. A show that's a decade old and is getting a new season. Quit pretending that it's a bad show. That attitude is so... 2009.
  19. pail

    From my mom

    I've never seen them. I'm not a pervert.
  20. Code Geass and Cowboy Bebop will continue to live on as the greatest anime ever conceived and created. Sorry bruv but RK is shit. Nobody relates to samurai.
  21. pail

    From my mom

    I see where your parents went wrong. They gave you a girl's name.
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