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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. Mortir


    Yo you got that purp dawg?
  2. Ooooh this one looks really good I hope it is showing in my town.
  3. Anyone ever get a music video being pushed for a ad roll instead of ads? This is the latest one I will keep sharing it has happened to me at least a dozen times by now.
  4. That is cool. I plan on voting on election day.
  5. Oh man I wish they still have those at Pizza Hut.
  6. Yeah Flinstone chewies I got that.
  7. Cool vid.
  8. Why not both? Pizza and hot dogs for din din. Om nom.
  9. Ew gross. Does she know what comes out of there?
  10. Tea and crumpets?
  11. Those screenshots look like a bad porn parody.
  12. He sharked you at the pool table huh. Yeah I know a guy like that named Lenny.
  13. Who is Steve? McQueen?
  14. Not really.
  15. Ghosts of Mars is like John Carpenter on complete autopilot.
  16. I got a pint of Ben and Jerry from the gas statioin.
  17. Well you were not always alive so maybe when you go it is just the start of something else like maybe you go back to where you were before who knows though.
  18. I keep seeing it show up in my YouTube recommendations and have heard good things but eh I do not know really if it is okay.
  19. Yeah the wipes seem the hardest hit for some reason that and Purrell for some reason.
  20. I can at least find bleach reliably enough at my local super market. I think also sometimes so spray Lyslo bottles which you can spray on a paper towel and it is kind of the same thing.
  21. Right after I burn one down I feel like I could go and get some late night munchies but not sure what I want. Where are some places to get good late night food? Anywhere besides Waffle House please do not suggest them no thank you.
  22. Yeah it does not seem like it is real I think it is a sham.
  23. All I wanna do is just πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ and 🧾 and πŸ€‘ and take ya πŸ’΅
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