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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. thats racist!
  2. this thread is depressing.
  3. i meant of real life variety
  4. now you can move onto better porn O0
  5. were you ever trying? seems like you had given up years ago.
  6. eh not really. just really bored.
  7. oh yeah you better believe! also thanks kmtkm, you are a saint for putting up with that for so many years.
  8. are you sure about that? O0
  9. alright pooh, have fun watching us win a super bowl while you get disappointed yet again O0
  10. with my foot up your ass.
  11. it will be just another day for me. unless i get caught in the protest, then im rioting.
  12. im not saying he isnt, but compared to our drone striking, war starting prez, the numbers are in his favor. but i digress. i rather talk more about your crazy incest fantasies than politics
  13. america is only good at starting wars and maintaining them.
  14. nice to hear from an insiders perspective. they really paint him in a bad light but compared to other presidents around the world, there are far worse than him. the biggest reason they hate on him is not because he is the "trump" of the philippines, but because he is turning his back on our country. making deals with russia and china, and ending military drills with the army.
  15. i meant it in the got your feelings hurt sort of way but yeah no sick pics allowed here. you might be able to get away with putting spoiler tags.
  16. so butt hurt you had to have surgery for it O0
  17. post it on here. i dont feel like being nosy.
  18. haha nice! you are a cheap date wink
  19. haha panda you sick and depraved fool :D thats just your dreams telling you if you had one you would have sex with her anyways.
  20. Distortedreasoning


    all in a day in the life of poof O0
  21. he played a great game 7 of the finals. really stepped it up his game there.
  22. no arguments from me there. but what can we do about it? aside from complaining which gets us nowhere. hey man, thats your prerogative.
  23. all i know if there are protest on my way to work, im gonna riot.
  24. like it or not, this shithole as all we got left. whatever beef you got with luuv or viper you should try to bury it.
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