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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. i got no experience with windows 11 but maybe can still help. i would look for the driver software for your mic by going to the manufacturers site and getting them from there. i doubt you get drivers from winamp.
  2. just joined. ready for draft!
  3. never heard the term but pretty familiar with it. not really the best idea to bring about the change we need but its a step for some to try and keep their sanity and try to reduce our exploitation. for me, the years i spent at school never doing any homework prepared me for this.
  4. doubtful about civil war but higher on coupes or other violent escalations.
  5. roger waters is right in this interview.
  6. demo disc were awesome! me and my cousins seriously played the tony hawk demo all summer long. yes just one level.
  7. i still have some egm issues from the 90s somewhere in a box. most of the time i would read gaming magazines from the store but my mom never bought me any.
  8. are we in the recession yet? feels like we are. they just havent said.
  9. i know its just preseason but im really hype right now. i think we all are for the promise of what the new season brings for all of our teams. and yes even those teams that already know they gonna have nothing to play for, you too can hope.
  10. well guess i was wrong with how long watson was gonna be out. fuck that guy. the nfl will always be profits over anything, just like any of the worst corporations.
  11. im kinda surprised it took this long to get him in trouble. lots of crazy stories of him out there. one thing or certain, this man is insane.
  12. i had tighty whities for a while and im upgraded to boxer briefs. not sure if and when i move onto boxers. i dont think i will reach commando status.
  13. i havent encountered a situation where im withholding tip money, but it doesnt mean i wont do it. i guess if they were ghosting and rude on top of it then i could see me not tipping.
  14. is it common practice in nyc to not tip? i know i heard that in europe you dont tip for the same reason since the owners actually pay a living wage. i am in agreement with the sentiment of this is fucked up that the owners here are subsidizing the wages of their employees on us. but almost everywhere i go here it is expected.
  15. i have that in mind too but still tip. restaurants not paying workers even minimum wage is bullshit.
  16. 1. shake shake. 2. depends. i usually tip by whole dollar amounts to make it easier for me to add up in the billing.
  17. i think my favorite thing so far this season is the browns giving watson that giant ass contract and trading away mayfield for a 5th round pick. watson still in legal limbo and probably not playing at all this year. the panthers too, trading for a qb after they got one last season. browns gonna browns. im really interested in seeing the continue rise of some of these young qbs like herbert and murray. and see who falls as well, justin fields and mac jones maybe? football outsiders did these series of dynasty ranking articles that were fun to read. https://www.footballoutsiders.com/ramblings/2022/saints-lead-way-total-dynasty-lists theres 4 categories, best dynasty, best anti dynasty, mediocre, and heart break. they go through all teams of all eras. fun little read.
  18. feels higher than the 9.1% they say. theres no good reason why corporations are nickel and diming us for every last cent we own. housing, transportation, and food all up considerably.
  19. is he gonna be a new member?
  20. always a good poo day.
  21. got damn thats hot.
  22. happy birthday jackie!
  23. im not sure, im with vamped when she learns of the old beef. i think it was different vibes. ib was more lol, babbling was more serious. i only started lurking and posting a bit in babbling post 2010, by that time things were starting to slow down. did zeni ever die? 🤣
  24. dont get me started on cars! biggest waste of time and money.
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