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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. azov is just one of the many neo nazis battalions in ukraine. why cant anyone here admit there is a neo nazi problem in ukraine? it doesn't fit liberal agenda. it was getting so bad that even mainstream publications had no choice but to acknowledge a problem there. even recently zelynsky has had to fire some high level staff for corruption. the numbers are shaky for a reason, just like the numbers for the casualties amount on both sides, tho the numbers on the ukrainians side is unknown but estimated higher than the russian side. this is a meaningless war but thats because the ukrainian government acted against the interests of its own people.
  2. says 14,000 right there in the overall?
  3. they were ukranian citizens killed by neo nazis. keep defending nazis.
  4. between post US coupe in 2014- before 2022 russia operation.
  5. whats so funny about that?
  6. i saw some videos from this years evo. looked kinda interesting.
  7. you know we would, the one time the soviets even attempted to build a base in cuba, we were ready to rain down nukes. tho not a lot of examples to draw from since we are in a good defensive position.
  8. you talking about the ukranian government committing genocide against 14,000 east ukranians?
  9. i don't know whats so hard to understand about not wanting to have a hostile group like nato on your boders? we would go crazy and respond much more violently if russia or china set up base in mexico or canada. why even try to escalate things with a nuclear power? we dont need nukes on the table.
  10. when in february? when they already had enough of nato's bs?
  11. yall the knee deep in russia scared propaganda. i know it was a thing way back then.
  12. there was no indication russia was interested in doing that. they were working with the west to provide them with energy. makes no sense for them to want to destabilize ukraine.
  13. thats why they expanded so they can take action! how you even explain nato outside of europe?
  14. or how the west kept arming ukraine and kept pushing them out of their neutrality stance which would trigger russia to take action?
  15. because the soivet union doesnt exist which was the original "purpose" of nato. only exists now to provoke and destroy other countries. and how you even talk about nato without bringing talking about imperialism?
  16. i either dont dream anymore or i dont remember my dreams.
  17. i dont wanna die so i will have to pass. but i can still watch from afar
  18. nato should be abolish. but no, have another 3 billion ukraine.
  19. pretty much anyone in my roster is for trade!
  20. i will be fine. yahoo somehow gave me a B grade. i really dont see it. just wish i didnt come out so late to lunch toady đŸ˜‘
  21. auto drafted. saquan barkley đŸ’€
  22. happy birthday! never wore converse.
  23. so im sure yall heard the story of brady almost becoming a raider over the weekend https://www.yahoo.com/news/rob-gronkowski-confirms-jon-gruden-040800199.html dana white pretty much said brady and gronk were close to moving to vegas before gruden said no at the last minute. it was rumors in 2020 that one of the teams he was interested was vegas and now it looking like it may have been true *tho mark davis doesnt remember this*. my thoughts, if this story is true, thank you gruden for axing this deal. hell no to both brady and gronk, i dont care if they would have gotten us a ring *they wouldnt, our defense was cabbage that season*. no way im ever rooting for those players and im much happier that we stuck with carr, and waller broke out that season. also it fuels my hate for sports media for always shitting on carr. every year, is he gonna get traded, he's not gruden's guy, c- tier qb. so much disrespect. i rather have carr a million times over than brady.
  24. exactly. theres the current government which is losing creditability by the minute. most people dont really believe in its ability to govern or ability to provide for its citizens. the people left in this umbrella will not fight for it. next largest group is the maga crowd which is more united in their beliefs and much more fanatical in their pursuit. they cannot straight up start a war against the state, they will get fucked by the military. but they can attempt coupes and find other legal or illegal ways to take power through the current system. and then theres nothing else to challenge either. though i am a believer of the collapse of the state is imminent. hard to predict when but the writing is most definitely on the wall.
  25. fuck elon musk, this guy setting back humanity. his shitty cars aint the solution and will be a problem if we go that route. high speed rail is an expensive endeavor and it aint easy to build. but just look at any society that has them and you cant deny all the benefits it gives them. the california hsr project is fortunately still ongoing but we need the entire nation to get on tracks. we will need to also make our cities and towns more mass transit and people friendly. the whole spreading out our towns and making them less dense is the excuse for the car. cant even go anywhere without driving.
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