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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. @Ginguy, can i change my goat team? i was really drunk and high off my own farts after we signed devante adams.
  2. i honestly thought the jets had a chance here since the bungels oline is still terrible. at least you got one game win out of flacco. you win one more its not too bad of shape if wilson can come back week 5.
  3. europe and the west get rolled into one. tho im not sure why europe is going along with all of this when they were heavily reliant on russian oil for energy. we will most likely see more uprisings in europe. protesting has just started.
  4. lots of shitty places out there man. how are you so sure you are not the one with the shitty takes?
  5. then why not be harsh to our government. no one else here is showing the our government same energy they showing russia. they are just as complicit in all of this. billions provided in war, while there are cities without any drinking water or shortage of tampons. we really shouldn't even be involved in any of this.
  6. i dont think anyone ever anticipated how russia was going to respond, but there was a ceasefire in effect, and ukraine was ignoring it. what should russia do in that situation? why not honor this agreement to prevent further escalations?
  7. then where you getting your information from?
  8. man this raider team killing me. how can we have all this talent but put out a team that sucks? goddam raiders you killing me!
  9. that is not our call to make. if ukraine wanted to be more pro russia in 2014, it was their call. we had no right to interfere. i do agree that neutrality would work best for the region. even zelynsky ran on a platform of having friendly relations with russia back when he was elected. a position he turned his back on.
  10. just acknowledging bad publications can get it right sometimes.
  11. the west never made an honest effort at peace.
  12. defense really? lets ask libya.
  13. then dont act as if all those newsweek links are legit. all these links that are clearly anti russian, they remind me of those fake links they used to post of kim jong un killing a high official. only for weeks later that official turned out to be ok. tho im not a fan of jacobin either but publications can get it right sometimes. and you are clearly brained washed to being anti russia. tho i understand you were born at a time when that sentiment was normal.
  14. yes. but why try to provoke and get to that point? why play that game with another nuclear power? why not shoot for peace? the west not interested in peace.
  15. so if you are russia, you are ok with nato being next door? nato who has a terrible history of causing lots of shit? way more damage than what russia has done to ukraine. what do you think the US reactions would be if russia or china installed a base in mexico?
  16. brain corrupted by cia propaganda. the US is the most propagandize nation in history.
  17. its not enough! if you call yourself a leftists like stillgar does, you need to be extra critical of foreign policy. pointing fingers at everyone else when our country is involved in most of these messes is hypocritical. the ukrainian government does not have the interests of their people at heart. its clear that they are taking orders from nato. this is what happens after a coupe. despite majority of ukranians wanting friendly relations with russia.
  18. what would you do in russias situation? nato, which should have been dissolved post soviet collapse, and has promised not to expand east of germany, has been expanding towards russia's border. the US has overthrown the legitimate government of your neighbor and has destabilize the region.
  19. you pop up whenever i post russia related content.
  20. you folks? then why not the same fervor for the west you are showing russia? like yeah the west provoked this, aint no big deal?
  21. i aint never seen him call out america for its foreign policy. calling out america for domestic issues is like minimum requirement.
  22. why is it so hard for people here to admit of interference from US/west alliance? at the very least acknowledge that point.
  23. nah you do, cant stay off my nuts.
  24. i know how this place works. saw you a few post before already trying to discredit nabs link that countered your point. i post my links you gonna say something along the lines of "not credible". be honest, this entire topic is nothing but supporting the nato/west line of russia bad. no other narratives allowed.
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