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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. i cant do anything without her being by my side.
  2. im with you on that one, gotta get drunk first before i start singing something
  3. before you looked it up the profession made no sense at first. crazy dancer? i guess i can get into pyrric dancing if it helped win battles lol. or professional stripper lmao! i bet those existed in rome.
  4. did the romans even have insane dancers? in a past life in not putting anything out of reach, the commitment will be there. long as dancers get paid i guess lol i kinda get the "high maintenance" vibes coming from you
  5. i guess i just dont see my past self in ancient rome but i guess it wouldnt be impossible given how widespread rome was. yours fits so much better. plus you already got the dressing part down
  6. i got the whole nazi zombies vibes going on with this thread.
  7. i didnt participate much and almost missed the voting. but i got pm alerts on my email so i was able to vote at least.
  8. i was in dallas last year for work and it was like that every single day. some bullshit.
  9. i never watched prodigy, but you know im a fan in general. yes a big part of the appeal of trek how much better humanity is off in the future.
  10. insane dancer of the roman empire? doesnt sound like me at all
  11. cant pick a favorite when theres a bunch doing some good work.
  12. happy birthday mexobiologist! party hard!
  13. i blame phones.
  14. my sympathies are with you. while this thread was mainly made to see how people are going to be celebrating the day, i think its ok to talk about not being able to celebrate as well. if you include me, you, and buddy, we are batting 0/3.
  15. you good, no need to apologize.
  16. shoutout to the dads of this place. i go to work so i cant celebrate it but what you people got planned?
  17. for sure was order of the owl. wasnt really going for rank but to just talk about anything on my mind or others minds.
  18. thanks! i think i ended up with something like 60000 posts between both my accounts, so i did my part in contributing lol
  19. i always started threads. sometimes to get people to talk. sometimes more as a blog. and sometimes even song lyrics cuz i thought they were just cool. and i always had a roll call thread just to see who was around.
  20. im a charmander kid but i love the og starter trio design.
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