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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. there is no victory when it comes to US elections.
  2. letting israel not only commit genocide but not doing anything to restrain them? iran can attack at any minute and the US might send troops to protect israel. war expanding in that region is a disaster for everyone. theres still a war going on in ukraine and there is always a chance for nato to step in if they feel like ukraine gonna lose big. and also provocations in china still ramping up, but it seems to just be at the economic level at this point but that conflict will expand whenever we get our focus back. what country you living in? they already throwing people in concentration camps, it is called ICE detention centers. they didnt go away cuz nobody is talking about them. cops still out there killing citizens no matter who is president. the healthcare we get is shit and expensive, but good for you for having good health care. you talking as if like life gonna get much worse when its been in a downhill trajectory regardless of who is sitting in the white house for as long as i can remember. we already lived through a trump presidency, it didnt feel much different than the biden presidency.
  3. is that why hes still spewing the propaganda lie about "the right to defend itself". this article only says he is "sympathetic" to the protestors. how about we stop giving weapons to israel and tell them to knock that shit off with trying to expand the war?
  4. i dont live in a swing state so my vote for president is not as important as to someone that lives in one. the last time this country voted red, i was still not alive. i do vote locally so i got that covered.
  5. youre talking as if the dems aint gotta us closer to ww3 than trump ever did. this country is fucked either way. why not vote for someone that aligns closer to what you believe in than the same ol "lesser of two evils" bullshit you seem to fallen for? always said, there are only different evils. vote for harris will keep us inline for ww3. vote for trump civil war.
  6. he does not. show me where he calls out on israel to stop.
  7. yes, rich people do have some conflicting agendas. some want to take antagonize nuclear powers, others want oil in the middle east. all want tax cuts.
  8. brics getting stronger by the week. malaysia recently applied, and there's been more countries showing interest.
  9. what makes you so sure? feels like the entire thing is being held together by duct tape and emotion.
  10. things can definitely get worse.
  11. we dont have any party representing the interests of the people. no fractioning will occur since they are both complicit with not getting any shit done here and can only agree with the agenda abroad.
  12. there are other candidates still in the running. vote for someone that aligns more closely to your views and policies. i dont see why people feel the need to align with a party that does not represent their interests.
  13. no one debates policy, at least not anymore. they barely talked about any policy the last 2 elections. trump is old but he did handle those other candidates in 2016 and 2020 in the debates. and i use the term debates loosely since its all a show. a shit show. all we know is both candidates support israel and US hegemony world wide. they been trying to distance kamala from the failed biden policy which is the right strategy.
  14. bernie sucks. but go ahead and fall in line with the genocide party.
  15. i dont think i could be holding hands like that but, if thats what it took...
  16. thats a super power if i ever seen one!
  17. i cant disagree but also dont agree
  18. childrens card games.
  19. anyone a bit nervous about an upcoming economic collapse? or is everybody else a millionaire as well?
  20. biden was already showing deterioration last elections cycle but it got to the point where they couldn't hide it anymore. no matter how much they all pretended, that man was not fit to run. so i dont see it as a "brilliant" strategic move but more of a blunder. the funny part kamala might be able to pull this off if the economy doesnt crash since the dems will get blamed for that. which looking at it now, the economy isnt looking too hot. campaign wise, the less kamala talks about policy the better, she is biden 2.0 and nobody wants that. not sure why trump would not debate her, but feels like a mistake on his part.
  21. im picking the pats as worst team this year i think. not that i dont got any faith on their rookie qb or coach but feels like it could be a rebuild year. same with the donkeys also a rebuild year.
  22. i just came in to say fuck israel and fuck netanyahu. fuck the US for supporting them too. what a shameful display when all of congressed gave him a standing ovation.
  23. what a shit show of an election cycle, which does not make it any different than any other election. but it does feel like its getting shittier every year. they didn't even have a convention and just chose kamala for us. she should have a good chance regardless of her past performance or how much people dont like her, shes got the dem party all behind her. at least they avoided the bigger shitshow of biden vs trump eh?
  24. my limited use of safari *every time i need to help my mom online*, i always end up hating it. always having issues with many sites.
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