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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. its the year 202X, google is so last decade. what is your browser preference? i like brave since it does good at blocking crap and very minimalistic style. kinda like google before the ads.
  2. fake. just like many things in the country made to divide the people.
  3. i did say that but then was like, no way anyone can be that bad at anything and ends up with me getting annoyed.
  4. you know me hanging around playing card games lol. my laptop was breaking down. and the replacement i got also had issues which was at the time of the last nfl season. i was like, i will try next year.
  5. why are they always so bad at the games. anyways whats up!
  6. fuck your feetball team! bet you money aaron rodgers getting injured in the first play again
  7. my solution to this was not to have any yard at all. but if i was a homeowner, i would also be paying someone for that.
  8. you conveniently forgot to mention, that we had already placed our nukes close to where they would not have any chance to react.
  9. we are the best military, but if another country was arming our neighbors, we would act. nukes or not, its a security concern. we simply would not tolerate it. add that the west was telling ukraine that it could join nato, then it becomes an existential threat.
  10. too restrained? all we do is support other violent regimes worldwide or get in direct confrontations. the foreign policy remains the same no matter who is at the table. i feel most people here just either downplaying the role, or not really aware. either way syria was a disaster of a loss and a war crime. i brought it up since it was a major conflict. we are still in syria stealing their oil. pay attention globally, you will see our hand in conflicts all over the globe. ukraine too, they leave the situation alone *no coupe in 2014* and russia does not attack it. they were living peacefully before that event. america is most definitely trying to start a war with china. they see that china will be surpassing them in a few years as the world leading super power but cant do anything to stop it. except to use the military. we are instigating in many different ways, sanctions, propaganda campaigns, civil unrest, and by recognizing taiwan as an independent country, which is not. taiwan sees what is happening in ukraine and does not want none of that.
  11. the fighting has only slowed down because the offensive has stalled out. it seems like the usa is thinking of slowing down the fighting, but i doubt russia will give the ukraine any sort of breathing room. there is a nato summit coming up soon, so that will tell us more on what their plan is.
  12. not even close. but thank you for demonstrating you cant do something simple.
  13. given the provocation from the west, what would you do in russia's shoes? answer that from russias point of view. take away the western lens and then we can start.
  14. you gotta pay attention to what they say. they are supposedly all independent but somehow all cheerleading for this proxy war in the same way the have been cheering for every other war we get involved with? remember the consensus that russia would be in economic trouble after a few weeks. or that they would run out of missles and weapons. or that ukraine would turn the tide when they get tanks or whatever superweapon? who blew up the nordstream 2 pipeline? where the voices that demand realistic peace? and any voice that differs from the official narrative is somehow a putin puppet? i thought msm had lost all credibility. tho they do sometimes admit reality when it becomes impossible to ignore. im just talking about the battlefield. russia has and are holding the territory they want, they are grinding down the ukranian army, and they are dwindling the supplies of nato. they wont win the war till the ukraine surrenders and no longer poses a threat.
  15. what happened last time cuba gave russia permission to put nukes in their country? oh yeah the usa freaked out. the hypocrisy.
  16. i said it already, it cant be explained if you cant put yourself in russias shoes. take all the bias you have of russia and make the analysis there. arming ukraine to the teeth, over toppling their democratically elected government making the country unstable. then killing ethnic russians out in ukraine in violation of the ceasefire, and then get ignored when you try to bring up the issue.
  17. he was vp during syria and libya. did nothing to get us out of afghanistan after he got elected vp. he supported all wars we were involved in during his long ass career as a politician. supported and still supports the brutal israeli government. as president, i blame him for his leading ukraine into war with russia and pushing us closer to the brink of nuclear war. trying to start a war with china as well. also sanctions, which do kill people in the thousands every year. the list could go on, being the US president means supporting some brutal regimes around the world and to destabilize governments.
  18. so much coping lol. western media propaganda is so strong. no different opinions, only the ones that matches the state. thats why i said you cant discuss anything here. funny how putin or anyone the west doesnt agree with= crazy dictator. super convenient way of dismissing anything. russia is winning. if the usa doesnt blow up the world when they take another L, i will still be here.
  19. whatever floats your boat!
  20. any of the outside chores like lawn mowing or raking the leaves.
  21. eww my toes.
  22. i used to have lots of dreams, more nightmares actually. but after high school they became less frequent almost to the point where i dont have that many now.
  23. youre the one eating up all the anti russian hysteria.
  24. probing and shaping is done with much smaller numbers. the amount lost in both people and equipment suggest this was more than just probing. they are taking only territory outside of the russian defense lines.
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