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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. im just taking a guess since many people here dont really say what they believe in *foreign policy wise* or dont make many threads about what is going on with our global affairs. many of the points of view ive seen express here are much in line with msm talking points. that is to say, theres no difference between the arguments here, and the ones made by the state. so if i guessed wrong, my bad. believe it or not, i do pay attention, and have been paying attention for a while now. i feel that its an important part in helping to explain the why things are the way they are in society. this goes beyond the basic democrat/republican, us/them narratives that dominate the nations politics today.
  2. no judgement here
  3. that sounds terrible. i can feel the burnout just reading that
  4. it feels like this sleep is an eternal struggle.
  5. the place with the things where you do that thing.
  6. our presence is the cause for the instability in the first place. especially in korea. part of the agreement to the cease fire was for both china and the usa to withdraw entirely from korea. we split that country in two and supported a puppet government. story sounds familiar. how do you keep falling or the same propaganda time and time again? the history of this country is full of examples of the usa causing shit around the world.
  7. a rate of growth that still surpasses that of the usa even in their worst year. the west wishes it had 6.9% growth.
  8. keep being in denial of chinas and russias influence. like mentioned earlier, russia has friends in many african countries and other parts of the world. both india and china benefitting from russian oil. europe on the other hand, dont look at germany or britain now. who bombed the nordstream pipelines again? and china is tied to the world economy being the worlds leading manufacturer. denying its influence shows how delusional you are. just as delusional as the usa.
  9. more propaganda. china has been the fastest economically growing nation and will continue to grow. cope with that. south africa and russia are close. russia got many friends in africa. cope.
  10. youre thinking of the former bolsonaro, clown. these brazilians just elected a president that is making them much more friendly to the brics nations.
  11. agree to disagree. many nations were on a fast pace of rise in manufacturing. japan or instance had an even crazier pace of advancement in a shorter amount of time. and germany manufacturing was also on the rise.
  12. you do know i am not in favor of the nazi german government or the imperialist japanese governments of ww2 correct? those ideology's were defeated. russia did most the heavy lifting against germany. the usa was right to get involved against japan. korea tho we absolutely had no business being there. my argument is that yes we stayed and helped rebuild in germany/japan but those nations have long recovered. say what you want about korea, but facts are our meddling made the situation worse, and is a big reason why things are the way they are in these times. also how can you not be in the military and not be aware of the rampant sex crimes in said bases? https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/03/18/national/social-issues/okinawa-women-military-violence/ https://www.latimes.com/archives/blogs/world-now/story/2011-10-20/alleged-rapes-by-u-s-soldiers-ratchet-up-anger-in-south-korea
  13. brics>g7 g7 is on the decline and brics is on the rise. more countries talking about joining it. the world is tired of the west.
  14. seriously? i know youve seen me complain about the immigration policies here.
  15. japan and germany are both results of ww2. they lost. and south korea from usa intervention in response to the spread of socialism in korea. there are many people in those countries you listed that are not happy having us there.
  16. you asked me how did we get there, and i gave you the answer right away. ww1 and ww2.
  17. i mean manufacturing did help, but i would argue that the exploitation of the workers and the further expansion of land in the newer territories played a bigger role in that upward trajectory. i mean im sure eventually we would have surpassed britain as the top hegemon. but i think its safe to say both world wars left all of our rivals in ruins, and the usa came out relatively unscathed.
  18. i try to sleep by 11pm the latest now, so i feel you in that one. i try not to work night shift again.
  19. had to look those up. never played any of the xenoblade chronicle games, but i heard good things from fans of jrpgs. rain code is a bit more obscure to me but i know of the genre.
  20. you can do it!
  21. im a fan of banana nut and syrup pancakes. like someone we know would say, truly orgasmic.
  22. some would argue white nationalism never wet away, which is i believe is true. i mean this countrys history is white nationalist history. i was more refferrig to how we got to where we are today, which PhilosopherStoned was talking about. usa has always taken territory since it started out. but the country didnt become top dog since after ww2. it took both world wars to change the order of things in the world.
  23. germanys defeat in ww1 led to hitlers rise to power. also it weakened european position as top hegemon in the world. ww2 was the nail in the coffin.
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