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Everything posted by enad

  1. ::spin::
  2. If you had another kid someone would always be around.
  3. Turtle can't swim, turtle can't swim, Treatin' other women like she thinks she's thin, Daughter's blood pressure reachin' new heights, Vicarious laundary, mixing colors with whites...
  4. I think I missed that thread. It will be an eternal regret for me.
  5. Whatever keeps you a day without getting pricked.
  6. I assume "SJW" in this context means "Sl*pes Just Whining"?
  7. I get this catalog in the mail sometimes. Do you think the name of this outfit is offensive? The booklet itself is full of little blond white children, which makes it look aspirational on their part.
  8. You might be mixing up your statistics. It's fresh water that is in limited supply
  9. I'm kidding. Nature just doesn't see the need for any more fatherless Mcfuggets.
  10. The correct incantation was finally read from the Necronomicon and your libido has been returned to The Pit.
  11. What do you plan to do for your special day?
  12. His giant dick served to be a good chimney simulator.
  13. A fantastic little movie about how a girl's menarche will destroy her family and empower the forces of evil in our world. Go see it.
  14. enad

    13 reason why

    They should remake the series to be about Jesus and his 12 disciples explaining to the gay characters why they're going to Hell.
  15. My understanding is they found "SNOOK WAS HERE" carved into the headboard above.
  16. IB people are barely tolerable when I hear their voices in my head. Hearing their chortles and snorts out loud would induce the ending of Martyrs.
  17. He turned down an offer to collaborate on the new Gorillaz album after dick teasing the production team for months and ultimately delaying the album's release. He's so pissed that Albarn found a way to be a more versatile musician while at the same time being more financially successful. Mostly because he's been telling himself for so long that the two concepts are mutually exclusive. Also now I don't have to tolerate Morrissey being a mole on the ass of my new Gorillaz album.
  18. I suppose if your idea of perfection includes terrible music and geriatric CW angst.
  19. I've no doubt your cooking tastes like rancid ass.
  20. is the panel's token hot girl with big boobs who has trouble pretending to like all this garbage.
  21. Obviously the first step is to change the black background to white. Beyond that, suggestions? I was considering placing Carl's Jr on a mouse trap, but then I decided her fingers might pop like Dollar General water balloons.
  22. Also Morrisey turned down an opportunity to be on the new album. Good news abounds. http://pitchfork.com/news/72780-gorillaz-morrissey-and-sade-turned-them-down-tv-series-in-the-works-more/
  23. The difference between a hamster and a gerbil is only meaningful in so far as the ease with which the felching ends.
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