Turtle can't swim, turtle can't swim,
Treatin' other women like she thinks she's thin,
Daughter's blood pressure reachin' new heights,
Vicarious laundary, mixing colors with whites...
I get this catalog in the mail sometimes. Do you think the name of this outfit is offensive? The booklet itself is full of little blond white children, which makes it look aspirational on their part.
He turned down an offer to collaborate on the new Gorillaz album after dick teasing the production team for months and ultimately delaying the album's release. He's so pissed that Albarn found a way to be a more versatile musician while at the same time being more financially successful. Mostly because he's been telling himself for so long that the two concepts are mutually exclusive. Also now I don't have to tolerate Morrissey being a mole on the ass of my new Gorillaz album.
Obviously the first step is to change the black background to white.
Beyond that, suggestions?
I was considering placing Carl's Jr on a mouse trap, but then I decided her fingers might pop like Dollar General water balloons.
Also Morrisey turned down an opportunity to be on the new album.
Good news abounds.