Yea unfortunately 8 is the cap. If I find myself in a position where I have to change out the motherboard I think I'm just going to raise the white flag and buy a new tower.
With the right combination of Enzyte-engorged graphics card, 8 Gigs of RAM, and possibly an SSD drive would an Athlon II X4 645 (3.1 GHz) processor with 2 MB of L2 cache be adequate for modern PC gaming?
My beast is from 2009. I keep it behaving like something approximating a modern machine by maxing out the RAM and keeping the graphics card routinely updated. I don't do a lot of high-end gaming so that's adequate for me. If I ever found myself needing a better processor I'd probably just buy a new machine.
I know she begrudgingly gave the courtesy of asking first, but it still bothers me she thought she had any business touching him. Fucking privileged white women.
Except for when the black guy takes the mantle of Captain Underpants because he never feels the need to put on slacks as he doesn't work and just mooches off the white woman.
Yea it seems contrived. It would be nice to just have new characters that are black women. Invariably they would have afros and purple lightsabers and all be named YoloTwerk, but A for effort.
It's probably my favorite comic series. I don't know if you've checked out American Gods on Starz but it's another Gaiman property that plays with a lot of the same themes. I like the characters in Sandman much better though.
I just found this out, as I don't read comics on regular release anymore.
Does this mean all of Iron Man and The Mandarin's fights are now over fluctuating bruised fruit prices at the corner store that the latter runs?