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Everything posted by enad

  1. If she's emotionally disturbed and financially downtrodden now is the time to swoop in, not defriend.
  2. Shit rolls downhill.
  3. Another month and they'll be desperate enough that you can start getting your title loans from them.
  4. Will you post a pic of your mom?
  5. He is angry that you broke your promise and didn't make a video review of his FanFictions.
  6. Is there no end to your big dick racism?
  7. Mencia is doing a casino gig in my hometown, which is the metric I use when judging how much one's star has fallen.
  8. Dane actually annoys me a lot less now that it's not 2003 anymore.
  9. enad

    futa week

  10. Statistically speaking your have a tapeworm.
  11. So I have a dead USB port in a laptop and unfortunately, it's connected to the motherboard instead of a daughterboard. Is the general consensus that I'd be better off soldering a new port or replacing the board outright?
  12. enad


    He should post again.
  13. Appropriate, given that no matter how many you toss outside you will always be finding more.
  14. I spent the afternoon wondering which bridesmaid Sawdy will be putting the screws to this evening.
  15. I didn't expect the alibi to unravel before page 2 of this thread. Season 8 conditioned me to tolerate frustrated pacing.
  16. Did she have bigger boobs?
  17. I kind of admire the commitment to your craft. There's a sort of Andy Kaufman obsessively ill quality to it.
  18. Did you end up reviewing it?
  19. @ghostrek where is the Youtube video?
  20. There are getting to be enough cool ports at this point that I might have to relent and pick one up finally. At $300 it's way more likely than me getting the next PS5 or Xbox anyway.
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