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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. 16 episodes to show all the rest of the manga?
  2. That explains the "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard earlier....
  3. So, maybe Elway can promote himself into the "Get a F-ing QB" position?
  4. Scores and picks are up. Does it suck to be a Patriots fan yet?
  5. Week 17 The Grande Finale Sunday Vikings v Lions Falcons v Buccaneers Jets v Patriots Dolphins v Bills Steelers v Browns Cowboys v Giants Ravens v Bengals Jaguars v Colts Titans v Texans Cardinals v Rams Saints v Panthers Packers v Bears Chargers v Chiefs Seahawks v 49ers Raiders v Broncos Washington v Eagles
  6. The Jets are winning.... Serious question, are the Browns trying to bring further shame to Cleveland?
  7. She should stick to grifting simps.
  8. Damn, he was genuinely enjoyable to watch. RIP
  9. Looking good. Cooking/baking is easy once you get the basics down and have confidence in yourself.
  10. Oh, I should amend mine. Honorable mention for Best : Even though it took three seasons tentacle slug guy got tossed down a big hole.
  11. That's far too good an idea for them to actually do....
  12. Scores are updated Picks are up. Merry Christmas to all
  13. Week 16 Christmas Day (Friday) Vikings v Saints Sat Buccaneers v Lions 49ers v Cardinals Dolphins v Raiders Sun Giants v Ravens Falcons v chiefs Browns v jets Bear v Jaguars Bengals v Texans Colts v Steelers Panthers v Washington Broncos v chargers Eagles v Cowboys Rams v Seahawks Titans v Packers Monday Bills v Patriots
  14. Only on the 4th day of the month....
  15. So they have an abundance of flannel and mullets.... And poutine....
  16. So, the Jets aren't gonna pull a Browns? Damn, now I gotta go read my rules to see what happens when you have a Tie for GOAT/LOL
  17. Best - Blade Runner anime announcement (was that a 2020 thing? Eh, I'm going with it anyways) Worst - *insert Demarco vanity project*
  18. Scores are done and picks are up. Be aware there are two Saturday games this week. @StarPanda @Master-Debater131
  19. Week 15 Thursday Chargers v Raiders Saturday Bills v Broncos Panthers v Packers Sunday Texans v Colts Lions v Titans Bears v Vikings Seahawks v Washington Patriots v Dolphins Jaguars v Ravens Buccaneers v Falcons 49ers v Cowboys Eagles v Cardinals Jets v Rams Chiefs v Saints Browns v Giants Monday Steelers v Bengals
  20. Next year I'm thinking of letting people pick the entire NFC East as a LOL....
  21. What are the cookies with the chocolate and vanilla swirl, with the pink sugar on the side? Those are the best.
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