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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. I kinda want to send Neil Gaiman into space to see what he would write, as long as he got back to write it. We can send Justin Bieber into space too, but no return ticket. Also, Ziggy Stardust, for obvious reasons, but he an come back.
  2. I liked this post for the sole purpose of encouraging bad behavior....
  3. I'm not seeing much in that list. I think I'll stick with One Piece, IBO, Brave Witches and Izetta. Maybe I'll pick up on some older or more obscure ones as well, such as Beautiful Bones.
  4. Faceplant is something I avoid as much as possible. It has few redeeming qualities beyond its stock, which I have to admit, does reasonably well. In a broader sense, I don't like the idea of people talking over the computer instead of simply interacting socially in person. I think it diminishes our innate empathy which promotes rude behavior and inhibits our ability to function as a social unit.
  5. Trees
  6. Modern. I suppose each of the different eras have their own benefits and drawbacks, but honestly I'd have to go with the era where you don't die of dysentery.
  7. I just wait until all five pairs of tube socks are completely worn through, then they get demoted to shoe and car polish rags. The timing works out to be just about right, when the rags are too saturated with wax and polish I have a new set of rags.
  8. I do love my PBR pints.... 8)
  9. Love this series, well worth watching.
  10. Knowledge is the gold mined from experience.
  11. Sounds like a Westworld plot line....
  12. All you can do about that is just post your thoughts on the shows. Other people will respond as their time and inclination permits.
  13. Could you really smell a mass earthing in a vacuum though?
  14. I'd call it a snickers, or is it Payday. The one with the peanuts that you can toss in the public pool. So if you're an alien, that makes me an alien too, I suppose it makes all of us aliens, since none of us were where we were born, and have all traveled millions of miles on an unending journey through a vast empty void, and are destined to continue to do so, until we crash into another galaxy and Azatoth eats the leftovers.....
  15. I'd call it Earthing. <---- trendsetter. 8)
  16. Answering these questions is what NASA needs to be working on.
  17. Oh noes, I'm not in lockstep with everyone else.... I'm still watching JJBA, I'm just not in rapture over it. Kind of the same way with HxH honestly. I enjoy OP a great deal, kind of wish it was on earlier but I have a DVR, same goes for NS in a turn my brain off kind of way.
  18. I'm kind of curious, does starring in this movie make Scarlet a secret weeb? That might be the one upside to this. Well, that and Scarlet underboob....
  19. I don't see a way for it to do less....
  20. It's Hollywood, I'm just being realistic.
  21. My socks wear out constantly, I just buy cheap ones and replace them as needed. Thank God for Wal-mart. ;D
  22. So, understandably, I've been pretty busy of late and haven't had a chance to watch much Toonami. Intruder III That's a big ass worm.... Also, not really feeling JJBA. I keep waiting for Jojo to be all "Thou sucketh much diseased cock for poisoning father Dio...." Not much else, I mean, I guess I could post a pic of smug Trump or something, but eh.
  23. and you dropped your pants at someone, would you be earthing them?
  24. I haven't been able to watch Toonami for a while, I've got a backlog to get though on DVR still, but it is nice to see people wanting to talk about the shows.
  25. Izetta the Last Witch Heroic Legend of Arslan Outlaw Star Alderamin on the sky
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