RAW was alright this week. I like the move to make Seamus and Caesaro heels. I lol'd at the slow-mo replay of Jeff Hardy getting his tooth knocked out. Ugh, enough of Roman Reigns, he should go to SD just so he will have to change his awful character. Better yet, "injury" and acting school. I want to see Stroman/Lesnar, that would be interesting. Bray wyatt is getting tired, he needs to do something more, though I'm not sure what that is exactly. I'm digging the Apollo Cruz/Titus O'neil team.
SDL was great, much improved. It was an across the board improvement, with the only hang-up being Dolph Ziggler and Sin Cara. Why is Ziggler being used to help a beer gut botch artist like Sin Cara, bad move. Women's division is good, and AJ Styles/Shinsuke Nakamura steal every promo and segment they are in. I didn't like the Jericho/Owens after match nonsense, it was gratuitous.