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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. THIS
  2. Hybrid, that works. I always keep an eye out at local antique malls for old pickle crocs with lids, so useful.
  3. Do you have an earthen pot to ferment it in, or are you going with fridge kimchi?
  4. Ginguy


    Don't get a swelled head....
  5. I'm not a big beer drinker, those two are the only Sam Adams I really like. Otherwise I like Pabst and Tennet's.
  6. RAW was alright this week. I like the move to make Seamus and Caesaro heels. I lol'd at the slow-mo replay of Jeff Hardy getting his tooth knocked out. Ugh, enough of Roman Reigns, he should go to SD just so he will have to change his awful character. Better yet, "injury" and acting school. I want to see Stroman/Lesnar, that would be interesting. Bray wyatt is getting tired, he needs to do something more, though I'm not sure what that is exactly. I'm digging the Apollo Cruz/Titus O'neil team. SDL was great, much improved. It was an across the board improvement, with the only hang-up being Dolph Ziggler and Sin Cara. Why is Ziggler being used to help a beer gut botch artist like Sin Cara, bad move. Women's division is good, and AJ Styles/Shinsuke Nakamura steal every promo and segment they are in. I didn't like the Jericho/Owens after match nonsense, it was gratuitous.
  7. Not a fan of summer ale. I do like their Boston Lager and Oktoberfest.
  8. If you can't handle shrimp, how are you going to win.
  9. Maybe you should quit trying to molest it you rapey drunk creep pedo.
  10. crash the server
  11. Remodeling : yes Taking a giant shit : no
  12. Use TIC's threads instead.
  13. I'd advise against tampering with evidence.....
  14. Hi Cidz. *hugs*
  15. I think the flaw is that they are paid for by Starbucks. also, fuck Starbucks and their stupid ass frappucappumachiatocinno garbage. I used to like Starbucks when I worked in Chicago, I could stop in and for 3 bucks pick up an espresso with a bit of sugar in the morning walking on my way to the office. Now you can't get out without paying like 8 bucks for coffee that is half as good and some retarded 17 century Belgian Lesbian Studies grad student mangling your name and expecting a tip for it. Unfuckingbelievable. Dunkin Donuts french vanilla for the win, and about a third of the price. O0
  16. That doesn't stop things anymore. ::spin::
  17. Science will say something else next week, and we're all gonna die from global warming according to science anyways so eh. > I don't drink it myself, I drink some OJ and have some oatmeal for breakfast.
  18. I'd pay money to see Mewnz in neon leggings with her bangs hair-sprayed straight up. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
  19. It was a lot of fun. It was a big success too, 50/plate and we filled it to capacity. The location was cool too, the lage bar area was perfect with all the round tables and open bar, and the converted stable rooms were great for slipping back and talking business. It was a really good event.
  20. I think they could consider repackaging the entire night, starting with Toonami packaging at 8pm with DBS and Samurai Jack rerun, then have Moltar and Zorak "break" into the stream from 9 pm to 11 pm with assorted comedy programming. 11pm on, TOM and SARA kick em out and continue with two big hype new shows to lead off, so it would look something like this: Green = Toonami bumpers and graphics Red = Moltar/Zorak "pirate" bumpers (Maybe even themed off Space Captain Harlock/Queen Emeraldas for nostalgia sake) 8pm DBS (TOM and SARA) 8:30 Sam Jack 9:00 Rick and Morty (New season rerun) (Host by Moltar and Zorak) 9:30 Robot Chicken 9:45 Brak Show (Snarky MST3K commentary by Zorak) 10:00 FGx2 11:00 AoT2 (TOM and SARA regain control of feed) 11:30 Gundam IBO S2 (There is enough action/character death to warrant it being carried forward) 12:00 Tokyo Ghoul / Newer program (Psycho Pass) 12:30 DBKFC 1:00 Hunter x Hunter 1:30 Unicorn 2:00 Shippuden 2:30 Gits 3:00 DBS rerun
  21. Seefee could do anime again if they really wanted to, they just don't see the value in it, and I don't blame them, they would end up with a limited selection and an awful time.
  22. Roaring twenties theme. I went to a political fundraiser that was roaring twenties theme, at a local place which was a frequent hideout for Chicago mobsters running bootleg whiskey from Kentucky. Fun time.
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