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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. I didn't know you were allergic to antibiotics. I apologize.
  2. Hippie tonics won't cure infections hun. At least see a nurse practitioner if it doesn't go down by tomorrow morning.
  3. See a doctor. Yogurt with active cultures can help with the sore throat.
  4. I feel bad for starting this, so ya know what, just watch it on Saturday and make DeMarco happy. >
  5. I'm wondering if AoT will be a ratings hit or take a ratings hit considering the ads for the VRV stream that have been running for a few weeks on WWE RAW and Smackdown.
  6. Ginguy


  7. In 1977 the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Ingraham v. Wright that even severe spanking of students by faculty did not constitute cruel and unusual punishment.
  8. In 1943 tens of thousands of Jews began an ultimately futile uprising against Nazi forces in the Warsaw ghetto.
  9. In 1879 the first Boston Marathon was held. Writer John McDermott ran the course in 2 hours, 55 minutes and 10 seconds.
  10. The American war of independence began with the battles at Lexington and Concord
  11. I think some of SDL's fail was an effort to push the people that got transferred over. Certainly that was the case with Primo and Epico, but those two clowns could have done that with Ascension honestly. Mahal is a catastrophe, unless there is some kind of effort to get a triple threat match or some such nonsense established after Orton retains against Wyatt. Dude brags about speaking many languages and sounds like a Visa call support operator. SDL is best when they are showcasing the new talent, not the RAW cast-offs. If they would focus more on Nakamura/Styles/Dillenger and Corbin they would easily be the best product. Instead it is almost like they have to sabotage themselves just enough to keep a stale RAW slightly above.
  12. I don't mind IPA. I like to cook with them, particularly bratwurst.
  13. Myself, I prefer a gin and tonic, Bombay Sapphire to be specific, with a wedge of lime in a short glass on the rocks, though I don't drink that much these days, too many empty calories.
  14. If they grabbed up Kadokawa I wonder if they snagged Vampire Princess Miyu?
  15. Jojo was interting in that the Nazi's didn't totally suck. Oh well..... Otherwise I'm looking forward to AoT more than anything else. HxH - I have this terrible feeling that Kurapika is going to end up using his chains against Hisoka and violating his contract. GitS- Highlight of the night for me, but I am an unapologetic GitS fan as well as a fan of Togusa so.... DBZ - So, Goku lost. Shouldn't that have blown up the universe or something? Naruto - Good arcs like this make me all the angrier when the filler shows up for dozens of episodes.
  16. I prefer them over easy and runny on toast. Or lightly poached and over ramen.
  17. I don't watch television that much. If I could I would cancel garbage channels like Comedy Central.
  18. Typically you are not eligible for unemployment if you quit.
  19. I'd keep the income, even though it sucks. If nothing else it will motivate you to find better employment.
  20. RAW this week was a little better, but Meth Hardy continues to be annoying and honesly I felt like Caesaro was holding back because Jeff has lost a step. Strowman and Big Show was great. Dumb push for Reign at the end but Cole though, which just really detracted from the genuinely great performance both turned in. Womens division is a little better, but I feel that Bliss is just annoying and they push Jax too much.
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