I just go by cut, it makes things a lot easier.
I went to Bynum's recently, had a nice Filet Mignon. They have a great onion soup and blue cheese dressing as well.
Which Delmonico steak are you talking about? There are like four different cuts, or are you talking about a steak from Delmonico's in NYC, or from Emeril's Delmonico's in Vegas?
I think SD is winning, but I don't think Zayne is going to really do well.
Ziggler and Nakamura would be awesome, though really just having Nakamura enter is enough.
I'm glad AJ didn't move to Raw. Stroman was hysterical. Reigns interview was awful and Cole knew it.
I'm betting on a big dose of talent moving up from NXT to SD, which is good news. SD does more creatively, fresh faces will have a better fit.
I use a chimney starter. I never understand why people will go out and spend thirty bucks on a prime ribeye and then ruin the flavor with lighter fluid. -_'
I had the windows open yesterday, drove around with the top down too. Cut the lawn, the house smelled like fresh grass. Really nice day all in all.
Rained today. >