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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. They still do layaway? Wow. A kayak is more useful than an inflatable banana, but not nearly as suggestive or humorous.
  2. If you wanna pick on Luuv insist that NXT's women's division is a bunch of ugly no talent floosies with sloppy ring skills and terrible mic work. >
  3. Yeah, I am kind of the same way. I need to better control myself, usually I can not be irresponsible. Then I get a catalog or an email of a special and I'm pretty much spending foolishly. ::: Enjoy your spree, get some colors, the world needs more color.
  4. Pearly gates work for me. It would be nice if you could shape it somewhat, I could go for a nice stream running through a bamboo forest, maybe a couple cherry trees.
  5. Fatigue has a cumulative effect, get some sleep. Anything you might do while fatigued will be negatively effected, better to catch some ZZZzzzz and then hit it tomorrow fresh.
  6. Don't be upset. It still looks very nice regardless of what you are wearing. Besides, it can be an excuse to do a little shopping at vintage stores or take advantage of Mother's day sales.
  7. I think that you need some kind of gossamer dress with that wig. Something that is really thin, light, airy and having a slight shimmer.
  8. Thanks Still Me Looking good in the wig.
  9. Put it in Central Park, have the horse carriages go through it for tourists....
  10. That should totally be a Times Square bar name. >
  11. I lost it at" tunnel of self love. "
  12. The picture is priceless.
  13. Zeni didn't steal shit. He bought it like a normal person and lied about it here.
  14. I spent 20 on chocolates.
  15. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/n-man-pcp-busted-masturbating-van-lincoln-tunnel-article-1.3159660 You can't make this up.... >
  16. I'd rather start a fund to get him indicted....
  17. That is so silly, it is kind of a must have. I wouldn't be caught dead buying it mind you, but yeah I say go for it.
  18. Water Libra and Wood Tiger
  19. Ya should have done it with me. I could sell the character....
  20. aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnddddddd Dumpster Fire..... [youtube autoplay=1]
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