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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. OMG, hurry up and send the epsiode out of review. You're fucking with my money. Sheesh, it's not even a sex scene or violen...oh wait, it's technically a torture scene. Fuck. It's a short torture scene, it shouldn't take that long to review. <.< >.>
  2. I ain't watching any of the clips, but quotes fron an irresponsible ass interview on Drink Champs is trending, and it got worser.
  3. There are too many stories that start with 'Look at this funny thing!' or 'Romance Goals' that end in "And then he killed his wife." 😭 Sometimes folks don't even know so they post the video of some cute shit, and someone responds, "And then he killed her." And we're all like 'WHUT 😮' in the comments, and next thing you know, another person posts the new article and everyone's day is fucked up. Why men gotta be so damn murdery?
  4. It's been bugging me trying to remember where I heard of Rooster Teeth when RYWB came out because there was like a mark by its name in my head, but I had no clue why. After seeing the drama come out recently, I finally remembered I saw some of those assholes online years ago. I think the fandom got on my damn nerves too.
  5. Who is that directed at?
  6. Chainsaw Man fans suck! Ain't nobody told me the first episode
  7. I want to hug it. Dear lord, the Bleach ship wars have already restarted 😅.
  8. That's why I only would have cheered her on if she actually did it. Talk is cheap. I want to see fisticuffs.
  9. This is the only time in my life I would have been cheering for her ass.
  10. It's not about being scary. They can be a lot of fun when done well, especially when they don't take themselves too seriously. Killer doll movies can also be uniquely fucked up just because of the situation and have some really funny dark shit. They probably put that reveal in there because people had the wrong idea(if the longer trailer is accurate) of what kind of movie it is. It gives off the signal they're doing more "Living Doll" from the Twilight Zone episode where a lot of these tropes were born from instead of other recent crappy doll movies.
  11. Dammit. Now I gotta watch M3GAN. I'm a sucker for kill scenes while dancing.
  12. What I'm saying is that there are movements trying to improve how those things are taught right now. Unfortunately, Covid was a setback, and then bigots got hip to misnaming anything remotely successful(calling it CRT), going harder to ban books, and harassing teachers. There are also pushes to increase critical thinking skills when it comes to mass media at a young age, but when news gets out about those lessons at some schools, the parents are rounded up into a mob to fight against it. And this isn't just a school issue. Republicans are using state laws to ban books from public libraries so access to sources outside of schools that can improve these problems are shrinking in those areas. This also affects the publishing industry because publishers You know what, nix that last part because it'll piss me off talking about it before I finish my work that's already behind.
  13. He looked like he was gonna stroke out, and unless that fucks up the families getting that money, there would have been a smile on my face if he did.
  14. Why do I always forget that Ginuwine has a hobbit name?
  15. I wouldn't call it 'latent'. I think our social structure just keeps giving bigotry opportunities to always be present. We know teaching kids from an early age to be more accepting is important, and Republicans are actively destroying those efforts. There's also the problem of giant spreaders of misinformation like Alex Jones and Joe Rogan, both of whom were called harmless back in the day because they were 'entertaining', who gave pulpits to every bigot who wanted to be on their shows. I genuinely don't even know how to guess how much harm they've caused over the years.
  16. Conscious decisions(what he chooses to learn, the people he keeps around him, how he treats his mental health after seeing the consequences despite having more resources than most people in the world) are what put him in these positions so he deserves all culpability. His huge platform to spread his comments make so much worse. I can't even post the string of insults that came into my head when I saw a pic of those three together. Every time I see black folks give that woman a boost, I *REDACTED*.
  17. People who despise their fellow famous assholes being held accountable for their actions and wrote essays about 'CANCEL CULTURE!': Why isn't anyone doing more about Kanye? It's almost like letting a person get away with rotten behavior over and over again may eventually lead to consequences that could affect you. Who'da fucking thunk.
  18. I see some of his fans trying to blame this on him hanging out with Candace Owens, but he been on that anti-Semitic bullshit for years. He doesn't need help to sink lower.
  19. This is why I stick with real milk despite being lactose intolerant. I can consume it and unless I overdo it, it's only gonna come out the one end an hour+ later. All that money spent on a fancy coffee drink and then being unable to drink it would piss me off. I've had lactose free milk at bubble tea places and didn't have a negative reaction, but that stuff is expensive. There's also only 1 or 2 lower rated options in the stores closer to me. So it's a drive to Whole Foods and spending Whole Foods money to get it.
  20. I got exactly what I deserved. Why I gotta listen to folks saying, "Oh this is his best movie yet!" "Y'all should give it a chance!" I like one movie of his, so I thought maybe I'll look it up. I do and yeah there's drama, but it kinda seems normal by his standards. But I still know better and head straight to IMDB where I click under the Plot Keywords on the movie's page. Before I even scroll down: grandfather granddaughter sex Why can't this man be normal?
  21. This. Unfortunately, his fans are a cult that keep him insulated, and the only influential friends he has have their heads up their own asses too.
  22. *Looks bitterly at everyone who can drink oat milk* I tried it after finding it on sale and liked it much better than soy milk and almond milk. Then 4 sips in, my stomach gave me the McDonalds Mcnuggets warning; a sudden strong nausea meaning if I consume more, I will Exorcist puke. My stomach was absolutely not having that shit, and then insult to injury, that mug put me in the bathroom like regular milk. So fuck y'all who can drink it! 😭
  23. I don't know how much Anne Rice was involved, but she was on Twitter talking about how she wanted a more explicitly gay version. No clue what her thoughts on casting were. I LOL'ed at the thought of the sister getting on a ship and the camera pans to where the name 'TITANIC' can be seen. That would be so wrong 😂.
  24. I haven't given a fuck about House of the Dragon and zero regrets. Had some FOMO last month, but after seeing the pregnancy scene in Wheel of Time, I just don't have it in me to watch a fantasy show where women always have to be downtrodden. There's no reason it has to be 'historically accurate' and clinging to that excuse only invites lazy writing. I ain't got time to squint at dark ass scenes either for 'artistic reasons'. Just naw.
  25. I'mma be real, they're both full.
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