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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. It sucks that'll be a year before I can afford health insurance. Seeing a doctor regularly would be really helpful because without the extra fat, my joints don't have a lot of support, and I don't know how to compensate for that. I don't know what muscle training I need, or what braces to get because having too much range of motion snaps them like toothpicks. Both of my wrist braces got fucked up that way, and it sucks wasting money.
  2. I'm supposed to be, but I'm being very lazy because of all the shit we had to prep this weekend for house repairs.
  3. I wish sites understood that less people would use stuff like Adblock if they weren't assholes about it. Either they have too goddamn many or don't care about ads with viruses on them that visitors might click on. None of the fixes I saw on Reddit worked, so I just opened up Crunchyroll in Firefox, and yay for not having to watch repetitive ads every three minutes.
  4. Shitballs. I don't watch Crunchyroll for a week, and now all of a sudden they figured how to stop adblock from blocking their ads. Or it's Chrome's fault. Argh! I'm too lazy to fuck with this right now.
  5. I'm conflicted. I want to break that out of principle, but it's actually cute. *shrugs* HULK SMASH!
  6. Even if every new show was loli hell, I still have at least 1200 anime on my watchlist to keep my interest for many years to come.
  7. You go into George Martin's place, be nosy, and then float back to tell us who gets the throne at the end.
  8. Wut? LGBT rights have been a pretty big issue for years over there because of stuff like this: https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/forced-surgery-sterilization-japan-s-trans-community-faces-uphill-battle-n870411 Google is a thing you know.
  9. We're good. They'll never find it.
  10. It's a leak of a game that I have zero interest in playing and was only curious about why I saw it trending. People get upset about this because storylines involving characters who are trans get mishandled a lot in games, movies, etc. You're going to see a lot of mistrust until that changes.
  11. The post doesn't say that people lied about the ending(Erica not transitioning), and that seems what people are genuinely upset about. The other stuff isn't getting mentioned that much. I'm just saying that it's not just Mochi.
  12. Not really. The actor who starred in Wings of Desire(on my watchlist because I never see Peter Falk in anything artsy) died so that'll knock out smaller trends today.
  13. The game company that made it is trending on twitter with a shit load of negative comments, so it's not just him.
  14. Starz has a decent movie catalogue, especially among its different channels. Showtime...hmmm. The only thing people watch on there usually is Shameless. Beyond that, Showtime is only good for finding movies you haven't watched in ten years and just want to do a rewatch for nostalgia sake.
  15. Yeah, some will close your account after less than a year of inactivity, so I think the advice is make a purchase at least every 2 or 3 months if you want to keep that card.
  16. Reviews have to be stellar for me to give it a chance. The first movie dragged on too long, both sisters were dumb, and dear lord the total amount of singing should have been halved. I got what I wanted from the first movie, which was the "Let it Go" song and gorgeous fanart.
  17. Yeah, there's a reason I ranted about it here and not on Twitter. I go there complaining that I miss the 80's warm day we had last week, pitchforks would come out.
  18. Y'all can keep that shit. I got my snow fix a few years ago, and even though it's purdy, it ain't worth the drama.
  19. Oh and fuck peas for always being in fried rice. They only don't taste like ass when they're in a stew where their original flavor is lost and taste only of meat juice.
  20. Heat on. Heat off. Heat on. Heat off. Heat on. Heat off. Heat on. Heat off. Heat on. Heat off. Heat on. Heat off. Heat on. Heat off. This yo-yo weather is annoying as fuck. Georgia needs to pick cold or hot temps, and fucking stick to it.
  21. I was so pissed off at that fucking ending that I blocked out most of what happened except the NYPD Blue dude showing his booty.
  22. Not even Con Air?
  23. Wrong! #1 was a lie. I was born in Japan. Fun fact about #3, psycho dude would have gotten very little prison time if it wasn't for the chain and other materials being military property.
  24. 1. I was born in Germany. 2. I've been to the Olympics. 3. I lived by a dude who chained up his wife in a dog house.
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