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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. He's got friends in low places, where the whiskey drowns and the rum chases his blues away... ...BUT HE WON'T BE OK AFTER LUFFY KICKS HIS ASS!!!
  2. Which is why Grunge will probably be toned down. South Park Parody!!
  3. Episode 5: Brittle Bullet Women actually can teach men to be men without even knowing themselves! Lupin gag!!
  4. Our reviewer took a "unique" approach in this one, but COME ON! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/dr-stone-new-world/episode-9/.198708 A little better than 3 stars, IMHO! Only 2 episodes left until the mid-season break!
  5. Amaryllis fixed her up just right!! LMAO, Soyuz!!
  6. You think they'll find them in that sapphire cave?
  7. Unfortunately, of course the leader is smarter...
  8. So all the other universes' Superman designs look familiar?
  9. Coming from conspiracy theory-crazy Flamebird, that's something!!
  10. Believe it or not, after tonight, Toonami only has 50 Shippuden episodes left to air! Enjoy reaching the 90% mark tonight at 2 AM, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  11. Yeah, sorry, can't spoil this. Find out tonight at 1:30 AM, only TOONAMI!!
  12. Beauty is just what the Dr. Ordered!! 12:30 tonight, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  13. That it would be coming eventually? No one. That it would be coming in September instead of months earlier? Long shot.
  14. My theory is we go back to 2 episodes a week in Dressrosa. They're just trying to get the contract amended. But they will probably have "banked" enough episodes when they do restart it to make it to the end of 2023 with double OP whenever it's not a marathon/event night, and then they can REALLY bring it back to contractual double OP in 2024.
  15. Seems like Friday morning is the go-to to announce lineups now! The only bad news is that Toonami contracted back down to 3 hours, but I was struggling to stay up for the last hour anyway. It's probably academic that Metalocalypse is moving to weeknights so we'll have a mixed-block Superhero lineup of MHA, MAWS, and Venture Bros. At least, that's what I would do, but if they're gonna rerun MAWS after MHA, just make it part of Toonami, already! On a personal note, my night on 9/9 is looking pretty damn epic. Going to see Coheed and Cambria, then come home for new FLCL and AOT!!
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