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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. I just can't ever stay up for this anymore no matter how much Diet Coke I consume... 🤦‍♂️ But I just rewatched the episode, and I don't know how, but somehow I believe either Midnight isn't really dead, or her death in the manga will be retconned a la Avdol in the anime. Midnight Lives Again in Season 7!
  2. Not many more episodes of this filler hell left... ...but this alternate-reality match with Pain and a -3 tail handicap for Naruto is actually enjoyable!! So join us for ALL THE FUN AT 2 AM!! ONLY TOONAMI!!
  3. Y'all, I am tempted to move this thread to Toonami and [adult swim], because it seems it belongs there and not here in Anime and Manga. Any objections?
  4. Just saw the preview on the Discotek panel on Twitch. WILD!!
  5. On CBS Saturday Morning just now, on Saturday Sessions was the band First Aid Kit, and there was a woman singing whose facial proportions are a lot like some of the women in Dr. Stone, For Real!! What's even weirder is the band is led by 2 sisters, and her taller sister actually has more normal facial proportions... But I digress. The best episode so far of Season 3 of Dr. STONE reairs tonight at 12:30--don't miss it!
  6. On CBS Saturday Morning right now, on Saturday Sessions is the band First Aid Kit, there is a woman singing whose facial proportions are a lot like some of the women in Dr. Stone, For Real!! The best episode so far of Season 3 of Dr. STONE reairs tonight at 12:30--don't miss it, after a re-air of this show in exactly 12 hours!
  7. The Straw Hats are leaving Punk Hazard, but THIS asshole won't stop messing with them! Luffy gonna have to teach his ass a thing or two! 1:30 AM Saturday Night 7/29-30, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  8. This episode is so good Toonami just had to air it twice. No, really!! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/dr-stone-new-world/episode-7/.198226
  9. Unfortunately, it seems 7 PM Friday airings of the previous week's episode are a thing of the past, as King of the Hill is airing right now. So, to the archive this thread goes!
  10. So were those Kryptonite blades? They seemed to hurt Superman's neck considerably.
  11. 2017-2019 were good too. The block survived the worst of the pandemic but it seems it's not exactly thriving either in the 2020s.
  12. So, the fight choreography in this series IS awesome, in case you didn't know! CRAZY cliffhanger, and HILARIOUS next-episode topical promo!
  13. Dammit, if you're going to snag this, don't forget to boost the "superman" tag already!
  14. But unless the plan is to make ALL of the 2 AM hour a rerun hour, I don't see how that's even possible!
  15. 🐪 TIME FOR YOUR RATINGS HUMP-DAY REPORT!! 🐫 Part 1: PREMIERES https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-26th_01602488462.html?m=1 Toonami premieres did decently, staying over 0.05 in 18-49 and 100K. Superman did better on Thursday night. Part 2: RERUNS https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-26th_01243089880.html None of the Toonami reruns made it, but interestingly enough, all 5 Venture Bros. episodes in the Friday night marathon DID! GO TEAM VENTURE!!
  16. Subtitled AND Black and White? Feels like a "Made-For-TCM" project to me, and maybe that's WHY Demarco is backing it, to air it on TCM as an "instant classic" in 2024 after premiering on Toonami in October 2023???
  17. 9-Tailed Fox vs. Pain! Takin' all bets...
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