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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. I haven't even seen 451 yet, so I guess I'm hopelessly lost.
  2. This is more Tsuki no me alternate reality mumbo jumbo, isn't it??
  3. Amazingly, the band who did this ending theme and the opener for final season Part 2 will be in my town tomorrow night!!
  4. Remember back when the late Fuhrer Bradley A.K.A. Ed Blaylock had a bit part late in the first season? Is that the same character with a new voice?
  5. I guess it's because Falco got some of the Beast Titan, he has some Beastly properties! None of the other Jaw Titans, like Galliard or Ymir, had that disntinction.
  6. Itachi's story continues tonight at 2 AM! Only Toonami!!
  7. So the Jaw Titan can fly! I guess this is the last commercial break of the special?
  8. Yeah, I'm pretty sure she did! No, I rewound and she hadn't removed her eye patch yet. But maybe when she said "I see," that was a double-entendre?
  9. Well, I guess that's what the afterlife is like in AOT. First time we've actually seen it!
  10. Maybe you're right. I think he DID like her in the early episodes! But I know Bertholdt had a thing for her too, and 2 Cupid's arrows makes a hell of a crush!
  11. It sucks that I'm not feeling that great on this special night, but so far so good. Still awake.
  12. Armin is affected by Bertholdt's feelings for Annie since he ate and therefore assimilated him.
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