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Everything posted by BloodHawk1991

  1. I just played that recently on the Capcom Beat em Up collection, it was so much fun.
  2. I've been waiting for Banjo-Kazooie in Smash. I don't have the game yet, but I need to pick it up before they come out
  3. I can't really give too much advice that's already been said, but you should definitely talk to her. From our past you've always been a really nice person, and I always enjoyed reading what you had to say. I'm sure if you two talked a bit something might happen, if not though, at least you tried. I do really hope things go well though.
  4. Happy Birthday. I hope you're having a wonderful time today. =3
  5. I haven't seen a balloon in years. D:
  6. I could probably do that, but I have such a backlog of games if I went and did that I would never finish what I have. Also Mystical Ninja <3 That's Goemon's Great Adventure game over screen if I'm not mistaken
  7. That really doesn't surprise me at all, but I'm sure you can. Also if I ever could, I would love to get, and play the version with Mike Tyson, and the other games in this series, I've honestly always been interested in them.
  8. Bob's Burgers for me actually.
  9. I still haven't seen that movie. D:
  10. But is it too many, or not enough?
  11. D: I'm later than everyone else but happy birthday.
  12. That's so many girlfriends.
  13. I need to get that soon. I didn't realize I could actually play it on the Xbone.
  14. Started playing Punch out for the first time through about an hour ago on the nes classics thing on the Switch. Made it to the third circuit and got completely destroyed. I'm enjoying it, and I will beat it soonish.
  15. I would hope not.
  16. I really want to play both of them honestly, but yeah they will never be brought over to modern systems.
  17. I still think you were just trying to blow me up that one time.
  18. Halo 3 is fun, but I really want to play Burnout 3, or Revenge.
  19. I have a few platinum. I have no idea if you get anything for it, but they are rough.
  20. It's the one thing that has put me off on getting all of the platinum medals.
  21. Never played it, but I've always been interested in trying it.
  22. I can't stand the vehicle that you need to drift in.
  23. Never played them, but always wanted to.
  24. The first thing I can remember scaring me was Yoshi's Island. Yeah that game. When I was a little kid my parents always told me that playing games at night caused bad things to happen, and the very first time I played at night I got that final boss fight. I have no idea how old I was, I just know it scared me to death.
  25. I did, I played it for the first time summer last year, it's currently my favorite FF.
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