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Everything posted by BloodHawk1991

  1. They can be really wonderful for that sometimes. Final Fantasy II (IV) is fantastic, I hope you're having a lot of fun with it. =3
  3. >.> Isn't that how everyone eats?
  4. I hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday. Happy late Easter. =3
  5. Is it cake? >.> I might possibly want some cake right now.
  6. I'm ready to see what I'll get.
  7. Thank you everyone, I've had a wonderful day so far, and I hope everyone is having a wonderful day too. =3 <3
  8. I had that, but then again I posted all the time. @.@
  9. I don't think I've heard of Etrian Odyssey before. Also I have no idea what EO is, but I hope you're having a wonderful time with it. =3 I keep hearing wonderful things about Persona, I just know everyone that plays them loves them. I hope you enjoy that too.
  10. How is the Yakuza series?
  11. I may have to try it at some point.
  12. I've never played Tomadachi Life, or Pokemon Rumble Blast. I hope you're having fun with them, Also I miss Animal Crossing those games are so relaxing and wonderful. I really want to pick up Ultra Moon, or Ultra Sun at some point, it's been a while since I've played a Pokemon game.
  13. I'm glad you're having fun with it. Hopefully I'll get a chance to play one soon.
  14. I need to sit down and play that series at some point, I've only played Symphony of the Night.
  15. Happy Birthday. =3
  16. That game is a lot of fun, but I'm garbage at the original. >.<
  17. You're kinda making me wanna try out FFXIV, it looks fun, but I don't know if I wanna sink that much time into the game.
  18. It might be. I never got into the BF series, I hope you're enjoying it though. I really want to try Sea of Thieves, that game looks so fun. >.<
  19. I could only imagine that game being a lot more fun portable, but yeah the Switch isn't the most powerful thing, but it's still fun.
  20. Same I really wish there was a Kirby game where this mode was the whole game.
  21. New Doom is fantastic, I really hope there's a sequel at some point.
  22. Yeah he is. >.> <.<
  23. Who even misses that guy? >.>
  24. D: How could you do this?
  25. I don't like the sound of this.
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