I'm sorry for your loss ❤️ Also, I am so happy that you set boundaries with abusive people, family or not. I am going through something similar, so I hear you.
setting up a foundation of internet security with employees via G-Suite, etc. Yeah, my resume is very colorful since I had to work full time or multiple pt jobs while going to school. I'm also an artist lol so you can imagine.
Girl that is a lot and I'm sorry you're having to carry all of this right now. Please cry - it might help release some stress. That or give yourself an orgasm. Also good for stress relief. I've had a few screaming "FUCK YOU"s at the top of my lungs in my car. It's helpful.
Maybe my parents will finally take theirs from 23andMe. Or maybe they know that I know that they know that I know they aren't my REAL PARENTS dun dun DUN!
J/k, but really, my Mom was a ho.