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Everything posted by avec

  1. Final Fantasy VIII
  2. I was in a grocery store bathroom recently with this person except add weirdly sensual sounds, talking to themselves, and awkward humming.
  4. I'm sorry for your loss ❤️ Also, I am so happy that you set boundaries with abusive people, family or not. I am going through something similar, so I hear you.
  5. Ooohhh noooo I would have lost my entire shit at those people.
  6. Please don't stop.
  7. is this a throwback to my BDSM thread?
  8. setting up a foundation of internet security with employees via G-Suite, etc. Yeah, my resume is very colorful since I had to work full time or multiple pt jobs while going to school. I'm also an artist lol so you can imagine.
  9. Security implementation for a non-profit, office organizing for my previous job, and the FUNNEST ONE OF ALL - grocery delivery.
  10. y u ruin
  12. Girl that is a lot and I'm sorry you're having to carry all of this right now. Please cry - it might help release some stress. That or give yourself an orgasm. Also good for stress relief. I've had a few screaming "FUCK YOU"s at the top of my lungs in my car. It's helpful.
  13. For anyone who gets something delivered at night (groceries, food, etc), TURN YOUR PATIO LIGHT ON
  14. Is a candy cigarette an essential item?
  15. oh my fucking god 😆🤣
  16. I prefer to tell people I'm from "the fuck is going on here"
  17. Maybe my parents will finally take theirs from 23andMe. Or maybe they know that I know that they know that I know they aren't my REAL PARENTS dun dun DUN! J/k, but really, my Mom was a ho.
  18. I'm jacking it tonight
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