The random "bundling" sites like VRV throw me off, like should I just pay a subscription for them or keep on with the Crunchyroll?
Idk. But I think if I had access to anime and K Dramas all the time, I will fade into streaming oblivion and not return.
Idk what it is about Funimation that keeps me from trying them out. Maybe its all the money I threw in the trash years ago on some pretty bad series. š My mistake, not theirs though.
Ill have to check out if they're streaming Psycho Pass 3.
What do you use to stream current seasons?
Rn Im using Crunchyroll, but its disappointing to see many of the shows Id love to be watching not make it to their lineup.
CHIHAYAFURU 3RD SEASON (my excite level is real fucking high for this) 9
Black Clover 112
Fire Force 19
are ones im watching that im super jazzed about
Hm its interesting that these were the moments chosen from the last decade.
On board with the HxH, One Piece š¢, and My Hero choices, although there were a few wtf/shocking moments in HxH.