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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. times like this, i'm glad my workplace blocks yt. i can only imagine the erhu spankbank shit that happens in packard's econo apartment when he drops the needle on this record and unrolls his loli poster collection from beneath his twin bed.
  2. srs. she's not getting married until september. that's plenty of time to throw down a quick romantic trist. or a few weekends of alpha dominance. spread that seed man.
  3. i have sigs turned off and i'm too lazy to walk that path to making them visible again. you got links you can toss up?
  4. so i brewed this ipa up on friday night last week. i think it went alright. gravity was a little low out of the mash so i boiled it for an extra 20 minutes to reduce it. ended up hitting target gravity of 1.062 (i think i was actually at 1.061 but that's good enough), but i only had 4.5 gallons of wort instead of the intended 5 gallons in the fermenter. so we're gonna be short by about a 6-pack when we get it bottled up. i was hoping the fermentation would be mostly done by today so i could transfer it over to secondary, but it still needs to drop a few more points before it's ready to move. maybe by saturday... anyways, it smells pretty fucking good and i can't wait to see how much that improves after i add the rest of the hops. if the gravity comes down to where it's supposed to end up (1.014) i should come away with a 6.5% ABV beer with about 60 IBU of fruity, minty hops and a subtle maltiness. if gravity doesn't hit the mark, the malt will be more pronounced but the hops should still be pretty prominent.
  5. that's a bit nit-picky, imo. there's a very real distinction that can be made between "from nature" and "man-made" in that something man-made simply cannot exist on its own in nature. it must first be manipulated by an intelligent force in order to exist. that doesn't make it any less "real," it just means it was crafted rather than simply existing through a natural process.
  6. to be fair, i bet zeni can probably lift more weight than that. he's probably pushing the women away constantly *snicker*, and you know .....pfft..... his types are probably in the 120lb ...range. he's gotta be built like ... like a brick shithouse by now. i'm sorry, i just can't.
  7. can distortion be produced naturally, i.e. without electronic manipulation? i'm pretty sure the answer is no. but distortion is as much a part of modern music as any instrument on its own. so i would hesitate to call distortion "unnatural" by definition. it requires a bit of technology to produce (or rather, re-produce) distortion from an original chunk of audio waves, but it also requires a bit of technology to produce music from pretty much every instrument in existence today. side note, how cool would it have been to be the first guy amplifying an instrument, and discovering distortion by turning up the gain a little too much or playing through a blown speaker. probably scared the shit right out of them.
  8. wacky1980


    itt: dane puts his new summon skills on the line in the name of love. nab's dad confuses everyone with age-inappropriate puns...again.
  9. that's great. like three players took time from their victory lap to point it out. she's a keeper.
  10. shit. i'm married with kids, and i look forward to those turkey sandwich nights.
  11. so i took my next brew in a different direction. instead of going after the NEIPA style, i came across a new experimental hop variety called "sabro" that is likely to be the next citra or simcoe (i.e. big disruptor in the hops industry). it was kinda expensive, so i just bought enough for one brew and decided to build my own recipe: an all-sabro IPA. finally got all the ingredients together last week, and we're gonna brew it tonight. if it turns out even halfways decent, i'll probably tweak it a couple times and put it in a local homebrew competition coming up later this year. it's probably a little $$ foolish to only use sabro for an entire recipe, because there are a lot cheaper hops out there for increasing bitterness and i have absolutely no idea how sabro will fare for both bittering and aroma (they're being touted as good for both but we'll see). i've just never brewed with this type before, and i want to get a good idea of what it offers. i feel like this is the best way to do that.
  12. you paid a man to do a thing, then sat there and watched him do it? that's just lazy. jeez.
  13. hell. i'll throw down a $20 site donation in the name of the first person to post a video of themselves deadlifting a 40lb weight 12 times with one arm. amuse me packard.
  14. we both know he's far from 12 though.
  15. i'm 5 days into quitting right now. it takes the right mindset. this is the first time i've tried quitting where i actually wanted to quit, and it's been pretty easy so far. good luck to you!
  16. dude, you gotta stop. this is killing me.
  17. yeah, i guess cyber's right. this has indeed gone full circle.
  18. did you actually watch this happen? or are you just assuming he wasn't actually plowing your s.o.?
  19. and do they impress you, packard? do they??
  20. there's evidence to support that jesus the person actually did live. the stories are what would be false.
  21. lots of people who love jesus christ aren't into necrophilia. some of them probably are, but i'd wager that most of them aren't.
  22. it's like you're trying to hit the 14yo presidential physical fitness marks or something. aim higher, tough guy.
  23. lol, that's a sears brand watch and you can get it brand new for less than a trip to the movies. are we supposed to be impressed by these hunks of polished brass?
  24. you can still currently love someone who is already dead.
  25. it's nothing to write home about either.
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