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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. that's like, way harsh jimbo. as if.
  2. VValleyes.
  3. the plural of "valley" is "valleys" because that's just the way shit is in the english language. now put that in your bubblies (not bubblys) and smoke it.
  4. roses are red, no one listens to tic,
  5. ackwell, try to say serge. it's not so difficult.
  6. flu bug. everyone else in my small circle has been knocked down with it in the last week, except for me. that cocksucker better not be waiting for this weekend to get me. there's gonna be lots of eating and drinking going on, and i'll be damned if i'm gonna miss that shitshow.
  7. it's fine with animation. but sometimes with live action, subs just seem distracting. i'll admit that it gets less annoying the farther i get into an episode, but it takes a little while to get used to it.
  8. if you're making plans for next year...
  9. then we submit the winning piece to hollywood producers, right?
  10. too many pills fucks with your appetite.
  11. joke's on you. he lifted that debit card info, and now you're the one who's gonna get popped when the fraud team starts diggin'. they got it on film and everything.
  12. hex is 333333. i had to convert up to dec for mspaint to agree.
  13. it's fine. i'm trying to make it disappear but my rgb picker isn't cooperating right now. edit: that feels better.
  14. it's a valid file format and it works as an avatar on other boards. i was hoping it would annoy the right person enough to fix it on the backend. but it's been awhile now so maybe not...
  15. what if yours is broken?
  16. again, this. if you have to take up the old linoleum, then do it. but if it's still adhered pretty well with not giant gouges or corners pulling up, just lay new right over the top of the old. and use vinyl plank. i'm tellin' ya.
  17. do vinyl. shit's waterproof, can be made to look like anything, clicks down / floats, and doesn't require sealing or setting. and it's only a couple bucks per sqft.
  18. we're putting the band back together!
  19. raspberry pi + arduino starter kit. there's no end to the shit he can do with those two things, and you're probably looking at about $100 to get off the ground.
  20. take it out and have it tested somewhere. could be a bad cell. not worth fixing, just replace it. or could just be a phone charger was left plugged in overnight, and the cold weather magnified the depletion of an already low battery, combined with the cold weather causing the engine to turn harder. a quick jump would fix this.
  21. "hold on" by wilson phillips. it's been haunting me since sunday night.
  22. best part about it is that once you actually beat it, you just have to start over and beat it again. all on the same set of lives.
  23. if you think the property taxes are too high, you can always go to the county treasurer's office and request to have the property reassessed. if the assessment comes back lower, your taxes will go down. of course, the assessed value could go up too, which would increase your tax.
  24. $1040 is actually pretty decent for a house. then again, i'm in a state with some of the highest property tax rates.
  25. anyways, tomorrow's big shocker is that
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