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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. This means one serving of the product has 7 grams of added sugars and 8 grams of naturally occurring sugars – for a total of 15 grams of sugar. The 7g of added sugars represents 14% of the Daily Value for added sugars. - fda.gov
  2. i think it's been that way for awhile. it's the stat people used back a couple years back when the headline was something like "1400 mass shootings this year" and people freaked tf out.
  3. thanks, covid relief.
  4. yeah no, i get that. but it seems like the last couple weeks *specifically* have been just ridiculous with the number of incidents being reported.
  5. so have mass shootings actually ratcheted up in the last couple weeks, or is it just that the media is reporting on them more to take advantage of / bring awareness to the recent push for new weapons bans? because it seems we're averaging like 3 new shootings every day at this point.
  6. finally got this bitch drilled out, painted, and put together. i'm gonna try tackling a bunch of the wiring this weekend if i don't get sucked into other projects. this control panel gives me tingly bits.
  7. i'm not saying don't try it. it's not a horrible idea at this point. i'm just saying, i hope you packed a lunch.
  8. you probably pushed a fever that broke overnight. maybe that's all you'll deal with, which is awesome. i had my 2nd moderna last friday and my shoulder hurt like i was punched until about saturday evening, and that was all i dealt with. wife had a really sore shoulder, fever/chills, body aches, and she slept most of saturday. but she was better by sunday morning.
  9. i hate robinhood. if only coinbase would pick up doge, that would be fantastic.
  10. or how about 40 cents. edit: topped out at 48 cents a minute ago.
  11. Did I say 19 cents? I meant 27 cents.
  12. i caved and sold 500 shares at ~19 cents like a bitch. i like to keep my pile of moon-bound shares intact, and then flip 500 or 1000 shares at a time during the big swings. it's been pretty profitable so far, my investment has increased by about 50x as of this afternoon.
  13. you can pay it forward if you want, but i don't want anything for it. pm me your address sometime and we'll make it happen.
  14. did i say 14 cents? i meant 19 cents.
  15. whenever i tell the youngest to calm down, it usually sends him into a fit. good times.
  16. i mean, if it's your holy grail and you've been missing it, i can mail you a few bottles. there's a case or two in the walk-in.
  17. fair enough. i think you're selling yourself short with the "best beer i ever had" being a standard porter. maybe it was the best beer experience you ever had, but it could have come from any beer in that environment? whatever, you do you bud. 🍻
  18. an entire case of bottles is only $30 at wholesale. 1/6bbl is $65, and 1/2bbl is $150. if you bought a single serving of it for $13, you got jacked. it's *maybe* an $8 beer, tops, in metro markets.
  19. ed fitz is a great porter. buy why you sending him up a tower to get it, when it's available all over?
  20. it will always be called the sears tower. i'd really try to get up there and see the show, but i don't enjoy awkward laughing so ... yeah ...
  21. shit, i didn't know this already happened. i was watching it and then got uh ... distracted this last week or so. doge topped 15 cents this morning. this is all anyone needs to know.
  22. Well tbh I'm only talking about scratchers. I don't buy Powerball or any of that shit, but bingo and crossword is cheap fun.
  23. fun hater says what
  24. whoa whoa WHOA ghostie...put the rage back in the cage before you hurt yourself.
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