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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. We should be airing Creatures Commandos. WBD treats Toonami like garbage This show is getting traction. Jake Tapper of CNN was even promoting it
  2. It didn’t have to be, but rising cable costs in addition to companies trying to put all their good stuff on streaming in attempts to be the next Netflix ruined everything If they came out with more skinny bundle cable packages like Sling, you’d have a lot more people willing to sign up
  3. What’s crazy is that there are numerous people I’ve spoken with in casual conversation about this who didn’t know the show left the network in the first place
  4. The dates and timing work out way too well. If not it’s going to be very disappointing
  5. I have to wonder, if this has nothing to do with Toonami, why would CR wait until January when (from what I hear), much of the dub is ready. They could literally drop several episodes right now, which is how CR usually does things
  6. If they drop all 3 theater episodes on 1-10, Toonami will always be behind them at least 2 episodes I guess
  7. Krap is already renewed through like season 4 already unfortunately
  8. This definitely isn’t something you sit on until 2 weeks before
  9. It’s annoying that they only seem to drop news at noon on Friday
  10. True. They want Universal Basic Guys and Krap to be the main show now
  11. A day isn’t a big deal, but if they don’t get it for months then it’s kind of an L for them because it’ll probably be on all sorts of platforms by then.
  12. As long as they have a limited number of episodes they can air per week, it should be oK. That was the only thing that kept it from dominating the schedule before If anything, this is them throwing in the towel on ever trying to do anything original before midnight.
  13. If people aren’t aware of the situation, they are going to be confused. Because it’s not just filler- but an alternate diversion of the story done before they knew where it was going- similar to Akame Ga Kill
  14. Back a long time ago, AS was able to skip over the recap episodes of Kikaider and Wolf’s Rain. These were actual episodes of the shows and not specials.
  15. I wonder if he was ghosted before or after he trashed their whole presentation for days on Twitter He’s already trashing AS again after they gave him work. I understand he’s upset, but there’s always the chance for more and he’s burning bridges
  16. Now that I think about it, it seems this goes to a more emotional level with him because he’s been complaining about AS specifically casting him aside and not including him in projects. I saw a post from Demarco basically saying that most of the connections he had that could do something for him are gone. He seemed to think he was being welcomed home and potentially a permanent job. But it was just for those segments I don’t know how publicly complaining and trying to get the fans angry at AS will do. I don’t think it makes it more likely they bring him back again. I would’ve just taken it for what it was, say how fun it was and that he looks foward to maybe doing more in the future. I kind of thought he may have an idea or 2 about how to improve MeTV Toons since he also has an on air programming background but instead he spend a significant amount of time trashing their packaging and scheduling
  17. I think the issue Andy mostly had was that they perhaps led him to believe this was an ongoing thing or maybe he just assumed it would. But no one is guaranteed anything. Now if someone’s contract isn’t being honored or royalties aren’t being paid- that’s a whole other issue I saw a tweet from him asking if anyone would hire him for work on any of the announced CN projects. There could be sometime there if he keeps at it. I just haven’t seen much from him before he started chronicling his Amazon misfortunes so I don’t know if it’s only recently he’s started looking or it’s been years of persists
  18. It’s not for lack of trying. He’s had some minor roles and might have a few future gigs lined up, but not enough to make a living off of. But that’s the case for a lot of VA’s. I remember Erica Mendez tweeting that she finally could quit her day job once she got the role of Gon because it was steady sessions for a long running show. You don’t get rich. But he’s actively looking for other gigs
  19. This is my break from reality. My other online world is politics and it’s that’s some really doomerism shit
  20. If they stopped focusing on “what’s popular” and just looked for some decent shows that aren’t over exposed, they’d have a decent block. They aren’t getting popular shows when it matters. Who cares if they finally air JJK and Chainsaw Man in 2026 Im also tired of whenever they do a dig through a company’s catalog, the only thing they ever pull out are shows they already aired.
  21. True. But when there is something worthwhile to watch, people do.
  22. Honestly they do these things out of tradition. It probably doesn’t matter as much as they used to. But they are stuck in the past playing by old TV rules and that’s why streamers snuck up and took everything from them
  23. Waiting for January to air Daima if the streamers (who won’t pause for holidays) start the dub is a bad move unless TOEI makes the decision to do that with everyone. The show literally being on every service is going to give people numerous options to watch it and a Toonami airing that is 5-6 episodes behind because they are worried someone won’t watch at grandmas house is such outdated thinking. Especially in a year where Christmas is on a Wednesday. I wouldn’t say this if it was only Crunchyroll,
  24. Not sure if Jason could shed light on the subject. It’s probably going to come down to how the season 1 rerun does rather than Aniplex’s cooperation
  25. Every time they get a catalog title from a distributor, they limit themselves to what they’ve already aired. It’s a waste of money
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