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Distinct Lunatic

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Everything posted by Distinct Lunatic

  1. A buddy of mine is a major fan of the SC games, even now he'll go back and play the original ones that were released on PS2 and GC. I like them as well but I've never been that much into them. I'll likely watch this with him whenever it comes out, but honestly I'd rather they give the SC games a full on modern day remaster, from the original SC all the way to Double Agent. Michael Ironside retired years ago, but he's the one true voice of Sam Fisher, will be real nice if they could get him to come back for this, more so if they do remaster the games and could get him to come back for them.
  2. People still use Crunchyroll?
  3. I thought season 1 of ST was the shit. With the next two seasons not so much. The series is pretty much carried by the one MC girl with special powers, and the cop played by David Harbour.
  4. Back years ago somehow my sis's cat got its neck sliced, and I ended up having to pay the vet bill for that one, it being around $500. Shit gets super expensive at vets. Earlier this year my mom had to put one of their dogs down cause its leg got bit up in a fight with another dog, it getting a really bad infection, the vet wanted close to 2 grand to amputate the leg and then keep her for a day or two to recover, that being something my mom couldn't afford.
  5. I honestly never cared in the slightest for FLCL, and saw it in the same category as Cowboy Bebop. Two shows that performed like shit in Japan but for some reason are regarded by older anime fans to be iconic. I was a bit curious to see the sequel series, but never got around to it, and probably never will cause I don't care in the slightest.
  6. I would never. I consider myself a true gentleman, and a champion to all women.
  7. Don't know who midnight is.
  8. My cat is 10 years old, and the only issue I'm having is for the love of God I need to get her spayed. Quite literally every other week for the last 4 months she's been going into heat, making her tremendously noisy and annoying. Problem is I'm more focused on getting loans and credit cards paid off to where it's hard to also swing for getting that done. Doesn't help that on the same day yesterday both my weed eater and lawn mower broke apart, gonna need to drop around $200 or so in the next week. So probably not gonna get her spayed anytime soon.
  9. I think 35 is supposed to be the cut off for millennial, over that being Gen X
  10. Not sure why but kind of considering trying out WoW. I never liked it in the past but I want to try out another MMO, me being burnt out on osrs currently.
  11. Does this count?
  12. I pretty much kept the party within the first 3 gens. If I was playing one of the 3rd gen games this is very likely what my party would look like.
  13. The 90's. 92 specifically.
  14. I took several months off from P5R for various reasons, I think I was somewhere after Futaba's palace but don't think I started the one after that yet. My very first playthrough of P5 I romanced Kawakami-sensei, second one I did Futaba and as much as I liked her I didn't care for that romance. In my current playthrough of P5R whenever I continue on with it, I'll likely pursue Kasumi. If I ever go on to do a second playthrough of it I think I'll likely go after Haru, I felt most bad back in my very first playthrough turning her down cause I was already with Kawakami-sensei.
  15. my laptop died earlier this year, I never really used it cause with my phone and two gaming pcs I never used it, but now that I need one I'm forced to borrow a 9 year old one from a friend of mine. I considered getting a Chromebook since they're cheap, and installing linux on it, but apparently that's not so simple cause of compatibility.
  16. With Kekkaishi it was the one lady Aihi that legit looked like a knock off Rukia, https://kekkaishi.fandom.com/wiki/Aihi if you take a look at some of the pictures of her shown there. The one school friend of Toshimori's, Yurina https://kekkaishi.fandom.com/wiki/Yurina_Kanda honestly felt a bit of an Orihime clone with the way she acted with how she felt for the MC although Orihime isn't exactly a unique character type. As for the new Inuyasha series, since apparently they already put out info like Sessh's one girl being raised in modern day Japan, them saying that some degree of the show will take place in the Reiwa era, that being modern day times. Also supposedly Moroha (Inu Kagome's girl) apparently hasn't seen her parents in a long time, who knows maybe things will result in all 3 girls being stuck in modern day times. That probably won't be the main storyline there, but considering Takahashi chose to portray the characters with no visible indication of being demon (no dog ears on any of them, not even pointed ears like Sessh's) I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of action took place in modern day times. And honestly I think there should be demon action in modern day Japan (in the series) the main series was only around 500 years ago, and they've shown tons of demons that can live centuries. The most we saw was that ghost piper thing and the one mask.
  17. I looked it up online earlier, apparently it costs around $1.50 for every dollar worth of pennies. Don't remember the cost of nickels but they were also above a dollar in cost for a dollar worth. Quarters and dimes are the only ones that are more efficient, the cost for quarters is around 30 cents or so per dollar worth, while dimes are around 40 cents or so.
  18. Took this around 10 mins before the scan finally finished. I restarted the pc around 6am to finish uninstalling the last of the shit, it had to do some windows updates... it's 11:15 now and windows updates are only 84% installed. For some reason there was like 6 malware/antivirus programs installed, including McAfee... performance tanking even more, hell uninstalling McAfee took like 10 minutes. There was like 6 web browsers installed, including Opera and obvious virus bait ones like "Fast Browser" and a few other ones like that. Knocked it down to just Chrome with adblock. As far as porn goes, I didn't go digging around too much in the search history cause it was past 5am, but he knows pornhub exists, been looking up anal and step-sister videos.
  19. Shit I'm tired, on the topic of laptops. My sis gave me my nephews to fix up cause "it was running a little slow" holy fuck man, it's 6am and I've been working on it for 4 hours straight, another reason why I fucking hate hard drives (at least as the system drive), over 3 hours was just trying to uninstall all the shit that was killing that pc. Took over an hour to run a malwarebytes scan, which showed over 11,000 threats. I'd really like to build my nephew a gaming pc one day, but even before this I knew he was nowhere near ready to take care of a pc.
  20. I don't know what it is about laptop manufacturers, but I have yet to come across one that doesn't use a cheap HDD that won't become as slow as a snail after a month or so of use. I've worked on so many laptops over the years, and a lot of times it was the cheap HDDs they put in them that hold them back.
  21. Is there really a coin shortage going on? One thing I've heard is with how much the currency has inflated it costs more for the govt to make coins than they're worth. To some degree at least.
  22. People often ask me to explain escape velocity at parties... I don't go to many parties.
  23. this here, https://unevenedge.com/search/?&type=core_members&joinedDate=any&group[78]=1&group[82]=1&group[37]=1&group[4]=1&group[38]=1&group[73]=1&group[12]=1&group[10]=1&group[62]=1&group[71]=1&group[32]=1&group[9]=1&group[79]=1&group[42]=1&group[70]=1&group[63]=1&group[18]=1&group[16]=1&group[77]=1&group[26]=1&group[55]=1&group[8]=1&group[36]=1&group[11]=1&group[17]=1&group[25]=1&group[80]=1&group[39]=1&group[19]=1&group[50]=1&group[66]=1&group[20]=1&group[29]=1&group[21]=1&group[45]=1&group[81]=1&group[24]=1&group[3]=1&group[67]=1&group[13]=1&group[52]=1&group[6]=1&group[56]=1&group[40]=1&group[68]=1&group[35]=1&group[76]=1&group[69]=1&group[27]=1&group[59]=1&group[31]=1&group[64]=1&group[49]=1&group[57]=1&group[7]=1&group[48]=1&group[22]=1&group[14]=1&group[54]=1&group[23]=1&group[83]=1&group[28]=1&group[75]=1&group[15]=1&group[72]=1&group[51]=1&group[74]=1
  24. I remember dealing with that for a few months this past year. Back in November I had an interview at my work place to get hired full time, it was at 8am, and for the life of me I couldn't sleep at all. Then a week later I had the 2nd interview required for it, and again I couldn't sleep at all. And around a week later the night before they did the hirings I couldn't sleep at all. Aside from that, after I did get made full time, any time I had to do the lead shift cause the guy was out sick or on vacation or whatever, I'd be lucky to have gotten 2 hours of sleep. I guess it was all due to anxiety, worried I'd oversleep and miss those things and be incredibly fucked.
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