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Distinct Lunatic

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Everything posted by Distinct Lunatic

  1. I haven't seen any of the Ghostbusters movies or any of the Indiana Jones movies, or any of the Blade Runner movies. Also haven't seen any of the old original Batman movies.
  2. (Quite literally not sure what to post, some form of writers block) Terrell spent a couple of hours traveling up the mountain path, searching for his party that he had ushered ahead of himself earlier. Eventually he found a cleared out camp ground that his party likely spent the night at. He wasn't much of a tracker but he did his best to scope out the terrain nearby, looking for the hoof prints of a horse figuring that'd lead him to Neflet and the rest of the party, however he found a few other sets of hoof prints, some looked old, some looked somewhat fresh, but again Terrell wasn't that good of a tracker. From the looks of it either horses had past through some time before or after his party set up / packed up their camp site. He followed the sets of hoof prints further until it lead to a split, upon which with a frustrated groan he resorted to tossing a coin, (d20 = 6) he ended up picking the path that his party didn't take.
  3. The final arc of Bleach was an incoherent mess. Which is why I very, very much hope (but wouldn't count on it) that when it comes to the upcoming adaptation of it they do a different take on the source material, to make it proper and coherent and tying up as many loose ends even if they have to break away from the manga at times. Not likely to happen, but they were able to add more substance to Kubo's work in the past. As for the Elfie thing with May. I imagine people will interpret this statement of mine to take shots at me, but I find it so fukkin annoying how so many people get triggered by drawings of underage characters. It's lines on a paper, not real. I'd say it comes down more so to the way a character is portrayed. Going by the below 18 standard, that'd eliminate a lot of Bleach characters despite the fact that they all look like 20-30 year olds and not 15. With Naruto pretty much everyone around Naruto's age would be considered underaged pre-Boruto. Yoko from TTGL is another anime character that'd be considered underage. Even though she's 21 in the second half, the people of the internet focus more on her 14yo version. So when it comes to anime and hentai I'd say it comes down to how the character is drawn and portrayed. But again though, it's just lines on paper.
  4. I don't know why people assume I reported the fucking twat in the past. We all know I don't think too highly of Elfie so if it was me I'd straight up admit it, but I never reported the dude. I do know why he was reported years ago on DA, that being before he blocked me and I was a watcher of his. The dude uploaded a sexualized drawing of May from pkmn, there were quite a lot of triggered people in the comments, him getting reported and/or temp banned for a short while because that picture of his.
  5. Digibrony I view as an example of what's wrong with youtubers. He's clearly someone that if not for the youtube bucks would still be living in his parents house, probably working a minimum wage job at walmart or some place like that. The dude has no ability to adapt or improve. Hell, I've seen a quite a few youtubers that had 100's of thousands of subscribers and were getting pretty decent views, them walking away from the site cause they knew it wasn't a stable platform, them getting day jobs or going back to school, and if they do continue to do youtube its more of a second job kind of thing. The amount of youtube I watch has changed and decreased over the years. 2012 - 2014 I'd say was mostly minecraft lets players, also watched angryjoe a lot, I used to consider him my favorite youtuber. 2015 is when I got into PC building and the tech community and mostly watch tech youtubers now. I remember getting into Markiplier back in 2014, I watched hundreds of his vids when I got into him, but him and his content changed after FNAF, though I'd say by the time of FNAF 2 or 3 is when it felt like the dude was phoning it in, dumbing down himself and his channel so very much to appeal to the 7yo kids that were brought there because of FNAF. I started watching Jacksepticeye within the same year as Mark, and I really loved him a lot back then, and I stay subbed to him for a couple of years more than Mark. I'd say for years now whenever I watch just about any youtube vid I'm constantly mashing the right key to jump 5 seconds, I don't like sitting through long videos. I'll typically watch a 20 minute video in less than 10 minutes. There's some people I like watching but they do 30+ minute videos and I'm not a fan of long videos, me jumping through theirs all the time to watch it in less time. This year though aside from LinusTechTips and a few other tech guys, and occasionally game/film theory guy, I don't watch as much youtube as I used to, a lot of the time now what I will watch is house renovation channels.
  6. Years back I was watching Mark or Jack, don't remember which one, but on the topic of building a youtube channel and being a lets player, one of them talked about how there's people that will base their entire channel around one specific trend (Minecraft or Fnaf, I remember the one dude Smike that exploited the Fnaf craze getting over a million subs, making stupid vids like "top 10 facts about Freddy's hat" and so on) and one thing that ends up happening (like with Smike and so many MC youtubers) that bubble pops, and what they'll try to do is start playing other games but no matter what else they play they're getting shit views. The problem being they built their channel about that one thing and not about themselves, people not caring to stick around for them once that fad goes away. While when it comes to lets players that since the beginning have been playing a variety of games, the people that watch their videos typically are watching it because of them, so they're better off. On the topic of Mark and Jack, I unsubbed from Mark years ago, and I unsubbed from Jack earlier this year. Mark has full on become a shell of who he once was, and lives like he's extremely woke now and not a normal person. For a guy that claims to not be religious, he'll go on and on about the way people should live their lives and all the virtues he goes on about. As for Jack I got tired of him being a blindly devoted fan boy, the dude kisses ass so much. Back when I was subbed to him I'd only watch maybe one upload of his a month, the meme time thing he does is probably the cringiest thing I've seen on his channel. His TLOU2 walkthrough is what made me unsub, with how because he's friends with some of the actors involved he practically sucked that games dick with how much he was praising everything that happened in it, and then went full SJW when it came to the progressive things that happened in that game, him denouncing people that have an issue with that stuff featured in the game and spewing tons of bullshit. The Game Grumps are a fucking joke. I don't know how anyone can find them funny or entertaining, maybe in the past but god damn they're so hard to watch, I feel my brain cells dying when I watch one of their vids. On the game review side of things years ago I used to watch and love AngryJoeShow but that dude is a bitch. I got so tired of his crying and bitching and moaning, he's someone that definitely lets his clear biased opinions show, dude has no reviewer integrity. Also he has a knee jerk reaction to negative criticism or feedback, and has attacked his fanbase as a whole many time. I lost all respect for him a couple years ago when he had a big meltdown, the beginning of that year he laid down an upload schedule but very early on failed to meet it. He could have just been realistic and said unpredictable things happen in life, or things happened or whatever, but no he went on calling everyone that has a problem with him is a troll and that he doesn't owe his fans anything, and then quitting reviews for a month or two. The dude acts so surprised that for someone that's channel was built and defined by their reviews that people don't like or care for videos he puts out that aren't reviews. The thing that rubs me the wrong way is how he had that melt down and never once made an apology, but he expected all of his fans to go out and support that kickstarter for his board game that he was making.
  7. Being part of the PC gaming community, pretty much for a long time now until the last half decade a lot of companies didn't think much of the PC community, thinking that it's a small market so there'd be no point in supporting it, or even considering it to be riddled with piracy, because of that a lot of devs wouldn't release games on PC, or they'd do half-assed lazy ports. Then they finally got their heads out of their asses and realized just how profitable the PC platform is, where now even Microsoft and more surprisingly Sony is releasing their games onto it. The majority of game releases even if not available on a different console will still be released on PC. Tying that into this here with anime and funimation, maybe it's a similar case where Funimation sees windows support as a gateway for piracy. Obviously they're able to see the numbers, and I'd imagine the grand majority of their traffic comes from apps on consoles or smart devices, so it's likely a case where they're using that to justify ending PC support, since it is easier to pirate on PC than elsewhere.
  8. Another very cringeworthy anituber is the one guy Misty Chronexia. That dude is probably as weeb / otaku as it gets. I've seen some of his videos in the past, and honestly I don't know who's worse, him akidearest or digibrony. I also find it funny when youtubers go out and buy mansions when they're raking in the youtube dollars but then that bubble pops, Chronexia doing just that and now he's lucky if he cracks even 10k views on a video. I've seen so many youtubers from minecraft ones to anime ones to FNAF ones go and make fucking retarded life decisions like quitting their day jobs or buying expensive things like houses or mansions, and then make videos of them in tears after the bubble pops and they can't afford any of it. That happened with COD youtubers years ago, and then Minecraft ones, and then FNAF ones. People exploit that stuff for views but don't make plans for when that bubble will pop, them having freak outs and meltdowns. On that topic, I do think people are allowed to make a living off doing youtube, but being a "lets player" for example I consider career suicide. Once that bubble pops and they have to go out into the real world, would you hire someone whose only prior work is uploading videos of them playing video games? I have seen some youtubers make safety nets for themselves such as either going to school while doing it, or branching outside of youtube to be independent of it financially. Even with big lets players like Markiplier or Jacksepticeye, realistically they have enough youtube bucks to survive their channels disappearing, and I imagine because of their reputation they'd be able to get jobs wherever they want. But if I was an employer looking for someone to hire, I wouldn't hire some guy that played video games online for a decade.
  9. The solution,
  10. Only thing I can say in defense of the backgrounds is they could have been placeholders, and if the show was picked up and were given more resources those things would have been replaced with original models.
  11. Unrelated to Inuyasha, but in other shounen related news, the first chapter of Kubo's new series Burn the Witch came out online today. Going off the first chapter which was 60 pages long, it seems decent enough so far but there's certain things with it that I don't think will catch on, or be able to capture peoples attentions like back when Bleach first came out.
  12. I agree fully. One thing I end up doing is playing Overwatch whenever I don't know what it is I want to do. I fucking loathe that game with every fiber of my being, and have probably uninstalled it like a dozen times but it's a genuine case of I go back to it since it's something simple that I can kill time with, and sometimes get some satisfaction out of. I wish I could direct that toward another game, but for the life of me I can't.
  13. For me I can't find the motivation to do anything. Even when it comes to playing games, I don't have the motivation to play anything, and if I do then it's only for less than an hour before I get tired of it.
  14. it does. pretty much for well over a month now I've been like this every day that I have off and don't have to work.
  15. It's Saturday and you have the day off but can't muster up the slightest amount of motivation or interest to do anything, and instead just want to sleep all day because nothing interests you anymore, and you just sit in your chair trying to think of something to do but have no energy to do it. I think I'm gonna go lie down again
  16. The human monk known as Terrell opened his eyes, blinking them as he glanced around a bit, having just woken up. He found himself near the area where their battle had taken place... burying a bunch of people by yourself proved to be pretty exhausting, so he meant to get just a bit of shut eye, but was thrown off a bit when he woke up to find that it was dark out. "Heh.... how about that." He mumbled to himself as he got up and on his feet, stretching his back as he started making his way up the pathway. "I wish I had a torch..." He said in a quiet manner in no one in particular, being completely on alert when a response came, "Oh, I can help with that!" The voice responded from immediately behind Terrell, the monk reacted by spinning around kicking at an extended hand... the force of his kick took the whole arm off. It was then that he saw what appeared to be a seven foot tall skeleton standing there with an unlit lantern in its other hand. "Hello!" The skeleton greeted as he waved his hand. "Sorry abou' startling you." It continued in a polite manner as he crouched down, setting down its lantern momentarily to reconnect the arm that was knocked off. Terrell quickly took several steps back to gain distance as the skeleton stood up straight, using one hand to light the lantern, illuminating them both better. "I know not where you came from, creature; but you had best turn back and leave if you know what's good for you." Terrell threatened, but the skeleton was unfazed by that. "That's not very nice, calling me a creature... I have a name you know." It stated in a tone that sounded hurt and offended. "Which is...?" Terrell pressed. "Maurice, is my name. Though everyone back home in me tribe called me Karn... Please call me Karn, I don't like being called Maurice." Karn elaborated, followed by a long awkward pause. With the two just standing there in the dark. "Well?" Terrell exclaimed, "Is there a point to this interaction?" Terrell demanded to know. "Well, here you go." Karn responded as he handed over the lantern, it being a very awkward encounter as Terrell took it, but his concerns about the skeleton hasn't diminished one bit. "I know, I know!" Karn responded waving his hands a bout in front of him. "I was just passing by and heard you wishing for a light, the last thing I want is for you to not see where you're going, and to trip and fall, and sprain an ankle or somethin', I reckon me boss wouldn't like that one bit." There was another uncomfortable silence followed by Karn immediately turning around and walking away from the monk. "Shouldn't have said that, shouldn't have said that..." Karn repeated sporadically as he retreated. Terrell wanted to press the creature for more information but it would be best to hurry to his party and not run off into possible danger. "Hehehe..." The dwarven pirate chuckled in his sleep as he drooled all over himself. "Oh, yes... oh, yes... Come to papa... just lemme stick my head in between there.... hehehe." He chucked in a genuinely creepy manner before he immediately woke up, "Yer a man!?" He just blurted out loudly, taking a glance around in both directions over how awkward that was.
  17. A rattling noise echoed audibly, much further up the mountain from where the adventurers were set up, a large and towering figure marched along through the densely packed forest, each step they made and each movement they made sounded like bones and metal rattling together... that's because this being was a living skeleton. "Ello there!" The towering figure called out in a very naive British sounding accent. The tall, walking skeleton wandered around some more. "Mr. Govias, sir, are you out here? The boss wanted me to check up on you!" The skeleton continued. Standing at almost seven feet tall was a big boned skeleton figure that looked like an undead barbarian, wearing an animal skin cloak over his back with a large axe resting atop of it; the skeleton wearing the remnants of the armor he wore back when he was still alive... As well as the hair he once had, glued to the top of his skull. Just over 5 yards ahead of him a short, scrawny figure stepped out, cloaked in darkness, the only details that could be made out was the outlines of a mask worn across their face, dark energy appeared to be emanating from them in a breathing like pattern as the being stood their stoically, glaring at the towering skeleton with an intense and unwavering expression. The tall skeleton gulped... or at least made that sound effect the best he could considering he didn't have the meat needed to naturally do that action. "Well hello!" The skeleton greeted with a polite bow. "Mr. Govias, sir. My name is Maurice, though my clan back home used to call me Karn and..." His words were met by a flare of dark energy from the masked individual, the energy distorting the plants and vegetation surrounding him, causing them to twist up, wither, and decay into an unnatural purple color. "Right... I see." Karn nodded along. "Well, like yourself I'm also a new addition, boss Vahalen wanted me to let you know that another group of travelers will be coming to see you soon, and in the bosses words *ahem* "fuck em up"!" Karn relayed before turning his attention away from Govias. "Alright, now that that's done and out of the way." Karn reached behind his back, pulling out a glass bottle of liquor, popping the cork out of it, leaning his head back as he downed half of the bottle into his mouth... which fell straight through the bottom of his jaw, leaking out through all joints and bones. "Aw, darn it!" Karn exclaimed frustrated, shaking his head in annoyance before turning around and making his exit, down the mountain path.
  18. One thing I do want to add when it comes to me making this deal, Simply put a Honda Civic is legit my most wanted car. I don't really know if I'd consider it my dream car since I kind of consider that to be something like a Tesla, but realistically I would consider a Honda Civic to be my dream car. My old car is an 07 Mazda, this car is a whole lot newer and only had one previous owner, and only 50k miles on it, so by Honda standards you could say its hardly been used. I work with a guy whose wife drives one, and they put well over 100k miles on theirs and aside from general maintenance not once have they had to do any real work on it. Another guy I work with had a buddy that has over a half mil on theirs and its still going strong. Even older Honda's are pretty reliable, back when I was 20 I used to work at shit-mart, there was this one guy that had a Honda Civic that was an older one, and while his dream car was a Mustang, he told me realistically he doesn't plan on getting rid of his Civic. This one I have I plan on keeping until the day it dies. I might buy a second car one day, especially if I get married and have kids, but I don't plan on parting with this car here unless it dies.
  19. I think currently my monthly bills not counting food or gas, with this car payment is a little over $1600, currently I'm making around $1200 biweekly, so I have enough money to cover this. Will get easier as time goes on since I still have 2 more big raises due for the next 2 years before I go down to smaller yearly raises. By summer 2022 I'll be making at least $1500 each check. As for expenditures, one thing that'll help me out is paying off the 3 grand bank loan I mentioned earlier, I still have 1.3 left, that being $140 a month. I also bought a purple mattress and owe a little over $800 on it but I'm paid up well enough to where I could skip Sept. and pay in October, that one's like $165 a month. I also have around $350 left for my OnePlus 7T phone, the minimum for that one is about $50. I have less than $200 on my credit card, so realistically once I have those things paid off my monthly expenses without factoring in food should be like $1400. As far as gas goes, I legit live within 5 minute drive of my work place, so a full tank with my old car (which would be about 230 miles) would last me 3-4 weeks. This car gets an average of 36 mpg, and can get at minimum 380 on a tank, so I will be saving more money on gas in the long run.
  20. When it comes to money and handling money, I'm both good and bad at it. I'm really good at handling it, able to finance a 70 grand mortgage and now a 16 grand car loan, plus two loans for other things about 2.5 grand total while still keeping my credit score above 750. But there is many things I could have done differently to have a bigger profit or more money in the bank. At the end of the day though like I said, I don't like working with money or handling it. It's something thats become essential in life, but as long as I'm still able to get buy and pay all my bills I try to limit how much influence it has. It's kind of funny, I don't like taking money from folks, even when someone like my mom pays me back for money lent I still feel bad for taking it since I know money in that house can be tight. Hell, I ended up taking a 3 grand loan last year cause they were close to being without power for like 3 months. Over the next few months that I was still living there she paid back around a thousand of it before I moved out, I told her I'd handle the rest myself. Doesn't help that she was laid off for several months last year, and with the Rona shes been depending on unemployment for most of this year.
  21. I do agree that you have a point. But I have an issue with that stuff... I could have just sold it myself to someone that'd be none the wiser, but I legit couldn't do that, I literally can't bring myself to deceive people for money. When it comes to money I legit don't like taking it from people. The majority of folks only think about the money, but I don't like the feeling that I'm ripping someone off or doing them a disservice. Whenever I work on computers for people I'm good with, I don't want to take money from them. I think it comes down to how bad money's been in my household growing up, where handling money causes me to reflect too much on the hardships involved in obtaining it. So you could say I subconsciously feel like I'm impacting them by taking their money... it's a subconscious thing, you wouldn't understand. Also I feel like even if I tried selling it myself I'd wait months and the only offers would be people lowballing the price, and it'd just sit there while I want to move on to a better vehicle.
  22. Well I knew beforehand the car needed work done to it. As far as the suspension goes it would have cost around $500 in parts, if I went to any mechanic to do it (me not knowing anyone that could do it) it could easily run me close to around a grand. Also there was an issue with the tires that I was aware of, that the finish on the rims was going to shit, causing them to leak air, me having to put air in them once a month. I got the price to refinish the four wheels some months back and it'd have been like $70 per wheel. Not sure how the dealership knew about that one. And I didn't want to put all that money into a car that I was planning on trading in within a year, when I'd quite literally just break even in trade in value. The blue book listing for the trade in being around 2 grand. So I'd spend all that money and time just to break even
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