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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Well shit, I hope you can get a liver and don't die.
  2. Sensei Lawrence or Kreese?
  3. Ric

    Cobra Kai

    Just a bit over a month now, fuck yeah.
  4. no work let party
  5. I hope you have fun with fishing of the penis comments.
  6. No, but cool you found something you like.
  7. You certainly won't take over the world being all apologetic and shit.
  8. Poundgarden Nine Inch Pails
  9. Yeah those are the obvious ones and it took me a minute to think of what the fourth could be.
  10. Lost Odyssey(currently on disc four) Slay the Spire(beaten with one character, working on the other three) Streets of Rage 4 (beat in co-op last night)
  11. Oh, I forgot about Christmas with the Kranks.
  12. Nowhere interesting.
  13. i am calling police
  14. you offend the fuck of me
  15. omg let party
  16. I just remembered this thread and when @helpme finally learned about menopause almost a year ago.
  17. If no one said already, Cum 41.
  18. Are you too old for periods?
  19. I can't say I am, but haven't seen enough to have an informed opinion on the genre.
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