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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Oh this explains why your so many of your posts aren't red font. Get better soon, I hate when I get strep(although it's been about 6 years now).
  2. Those are more arcade flight combat games than sims, which is good for me because I never got into games like Wing Commander or X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter.
  3. He probably would fuck Picard, I don't recall how ghostie feels about Star Wars though.
  4. Maybe I should bring back my stupid alt that dreamed up Inuyasha fanfictions. He would have nutted to this.
  5. Facebook doesn't want his shit so deal with it. If I need some advice on public bathrooms, I know the people to ask. I've never been to a Chili's, period. From what I've heard I'm not missing much.
  6. I didn't either earlier today until Phillies reminded me.
  7. Ric

    Star Trek

    The world is crazy, next thing we know you'll be making a cat thread.
  8. I remember that Hide and Shriek one, it was part of that Ghosts of Fear Street series but was more for the Goosebumps age group or maybe inbetween the two. I didn't read many of those. I now suddenly remember the Fear Street Seniors series though, I was really into those. If I recall, almost the whole class died by the end. lol
  9. *weeb rage intensifies* THAT'S A GUNDAM CAT NOT A TRANSFORMER CAT U IDIOT
  10. Why do you ask bnmjy things like this so he'll post them?
  11. I can shuffle a handful of games at once but never more than RPG for that reason. Also don't want to keep up with more than one long story at a time, although in this case I don't think E.V.O. has much of one? I'm somewhat familiar with the game but never played. I only remember you have to eat a bunch of stuff to level up and keep evolving into different creatures. I moved on to NES after beating Ys VIII a few weeks ago. I've beaten The Battle of Olympus and Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu. I also played quite a bit of Super Spy Hunter but didn't beat it. And since I bought Super Mario 3D All-Stars I played a little bit of Super Mario 64/Sunshine/Galaxy to see how they look/control on Switch but I'm not doing any full playthroughs yet.
  12. I'm not in a rush for the PS5 or Xbox so I'm not preordering but will probably get both.
  13. I don't think I knew you, but welcome.
  14. Happy birthday to the people who birthdayed today.
  15. Why would you want teenage boy splooge as your avatar anyway?
  16. pork And agreed on whoever above said you can chili all year.
  17. I got it 30 seconds later on my way into the shower and almost came back to edit my post but didn't. The post above what I was quoting even spelled it out which made it even more of a duh moment when I came back to this.
  18. I feel like I should know this but my brain isn't fully functioning right now...what is CFS?
  19. I've never been banned from FB but also don't post much.
  20. That sucks, although I'm sure it has it's perks as well. I also have Buffalo Wild Wings and Chicken n' Spice near me.
  21. If you're used to spicy food, I don't think these would hurt. I forgot that those exist.
  22. One of my six wings was slighly burnt.
  23. They probably couldn't. if you've been eating healthy, keep it up.
  24. There is one only a few blocks from me that opened up shortly before the pandemic so I've been a few times this year.
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