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Everything posted by Ultima

  1. I'm not a fan of this. I was supposed to meet up with some of my friend's YouTube haters and teach them some lessons. I'm his enforcer, but now all I can do is juice up and pump some iron in my gym studio because of this weather. How you feel about rain and thunder? And don't give me any weak Gen Z talk like MOOD 💪
  2. I'm not Zeni. I'm actually a friends of his though. And he doesn't let people lie to him. 😈 You should be able to call the cops and file charges on that honestly. Lying is a form of harassment.
  3. Oh... Don't they know that lying is wrong? It's illegal in certain instances too.
  4. True. My friend and I are warriors who never eat vegetables and grew up drinking and fighting at roadside diners as kids, even over things as petty as whose turn it was to play the Area 51 arcade, we were throwing hands. I don't see very many men like us these days. But what do ladies mean by a "nice guy"?
  5. Asking for a friend I was always thought it was self-explanatory as in you're well-mannered, cultured, intellectually advanced, sophisticated, and pretty much badass A+ dating material, but it seems like girls aren't using it that way as of late. 🏃💪
  6. I have an infinite amount of time on my hands. I'm gonna live forever... 😌
  7. I suggest that you read the original post. It's hard to respond to a thread without reading its first post.
  8. What's Dumpster Fires? Yeah Zeni does this a lot! I see him barking on every and anybody on that site. I just saw him talking however he wants to this "DanPlan" guy, an esports person I think, so it's not right for the Z man to pick on him. I don't approve of his bullying, but otherwise he's a solid young man.
  9. 😳😳😳😳😳 Yooooo... Zeni's the man where the dude at! He's always going off! Sorry that he broke up with you. 🤦‍♂️
  10. Are... We talking about the same Zeni? Seems like a cool guy
  11. As did I... As did I... Yes I won the prizes! 😡
  12. I don't like that stuff. Generation Z doesn't impress me.
  13. I think you should barricade yourself in your room or in a closet with enough food supplies and create makeshift defensive tools in case the others get infected and try to break through. Anybody who played Resident Evil 2 or watched The Night of the Living Dead back in the day knows that's what they do when they get infected and try to take you with them too.
  14. You're gonna catch the coronavirus like that and don't do drugs, they're bad for you. Barricade yourself and survive like the guy in cabin fever.
  15. I love it when Stacys wrap their legs around... What do you call that area that's just above your butt, but at the bottom of your spine? Anyway, I love it when they wrap their legs around there whilst having sex. It makes it so much cooler than if you just do the boring normal thing.
  16. I just married Ingrid in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and I always thought she was too serious and prudish to get me excited, but I honestly got the butterflies in my tummy and I couldn't keep my thing down in my pajamas, just like every time I've married an FE girl. It's awesome. I'm gonna start farming from the pre(nuptial), penultimate save point though because I've beaten this game 7 times and it's been nearly a year, and marrying every girl in the game is gonna take me a solid 5 years if I keep doing complete playthroughs. Btw, I reclaimed my Top 50 world ranking in Mario Tennis Aces also. 💪🇯🇵🍿
  17. Zeni? As in Zenigundam... Everybody keeps saying I'm him just because I'm friends with him and subscribe to his warrior way of life.
  18. ??? I'm just saying we can't let Generation Z run America. Imagine a world where people like them take political office, kill TV off, ruin the internet, make all video games trash shooting games (no more RPGs or platformers). And plus they can't even fight so America would get conquered by Switzerland or some weak nation. Is this what we want?
  19. Generation Z prefers Reddit, Twitch, YouTube, etc, all of which will be entirely emasculated within a few years because of their girly banter and awful lingo.
  20. That was yesterday. Don't tell me you're one of those people who's like "OMG Throwbacccckkk!" when the song came out 8 months earlier.
  21. The skill to get girls to stop making all those annoying noises when I'm giving them superb sex.
  22. Then I got into an argument with the girl I cheated on her with and ended up single for a brief time. I made a whole scene in the hallway during that argument too. I said, "Do you know hard I had to work to win you?! I had to fight off hordes of beta males to come out victorious and now you're pulling THIS?! All you did was doll up and stand by your locker!" And then I punched one of the lockers so hard that it dented and stormed down the hallway and left school early and a bunch of beta males tried to swoop in and comfort her, but they knew better than to get anywhere near me. I have some great, badass, testosterone-filled stories from HS and beyond if anyone wants to hear some more of them.
  23. Nah that's some Columbine ish
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