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Everything posted by Ultima

  1. Z Powerful, Big Z, The Z Man, Z Money Not "Will Z" How did you pass 2nd grade?! 🤦‍♂️
  2. Come on... Come on this is you... 💆😍👨‍👩‍👧
  3. The Z Man does tend to message a lot of 18 year old women. He must have his reasons I guess.
  4. Wow... Imagine if that's true and he has like 20 kids right now and nobody knows except for him
  5. Tanjiro x Nezuko is 😍😍😍
  6. Nobody's stuffing that man into a locker. I've seen him and his arms are like damn tree trunks. You have some weird thoughts going on in your head. 😕
  7. And when I say expected result, I'm going by what a guy on average should have won by now. I'm not taking into account that his numbers are skewed well above the mean because he's a slayer and an alpha. That man has gotta be like 25 standard deviations above the mean dude
  8. I swear this dude never dies!! He drinks like crazy and keeps living for years. So I have to ask y'all a question. How many women has the Z Man won at this point in his life and how many women do you think he should have won? He told he'll give me the actual numbers in three weeks, so we'll come back to this. Here are my guesses Ladies acquired: 59 Expected Result at His Age: 6
  9. Maybe it's one of the Z Man's alts.
  10. God damn isn't she like 24 and she wants to sleep with a 12 year old dude? 🤦‍♂️
  11. Chubby short man will get all the women, Yuichi will get tackled and disarmed as he tries to shoot up his middle school and our chubby hero will be making out with Yuichi's crush at the trial. Storybook ending
  12. I hope this chubby guy beats "Ichi" to a pulp and makes him transfer schools. Can't have this wannabe alpha male polluting girls just when they're hitting puberty all because of a false reputation. He'll never be a stud. I don't see any muscles on this 90lb chump.
  13. This dude thinks he's a stud when he's just a scrawny 12 year old punk who my man the Z Man would crush in a fight.
  14. Then how come he keeps making romantic promises to her? Just accept that you're wrong on this one. I've watched every episode that Toonami's shown. He went out to town or something and she was taking care of his siblings and she was the only one who survived, albeit as a demon. This is a love story.
  15. Nezuko is his childhood friend and they get along with each other. I want him to turn her back into a human to witness that moment when they kiss each other. That'll make my heart skip a few beats.
  16. I want him to be with Nezuko instead of some broad he just met because they have great battle chemistry and get along.
  17. Now we've got a love triangle on our hands. Tanjiro, Nezuko, and this girl with the butterfly hairpin. Damn...This is getting sexy
  18. Knock his ass out, you beta male Wow you just let him shoulder check you like that in front of everybody? If Nezuko saw that, she'd never wanna be your girlfriend
  19. Sounds like someone finally got his first kiss and became a full blown feminist 😹 I told you I'm not Zeni. He's a friend of mine. He's the complete package dude don't mock him
  20. Those creepy old guys sitting on a bench or in the food court and every time a hot young maiden and her friends walk by the creeps' eyes light up? Yeah... Well they get me mad. #GratefulForSocialDistancing
  21. Well that's beside the point. Ok I guess that's all the episodes for now, but my point is that they're playing games with me just like those girls I liked when I was in HS and then they would give me scornful looks when they were single and as soon as they had a boyfriend they'd talk to me and I want to explode. 😡😡😡
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