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Everything posted by Ultima

  1. Hmmmm... I don't get it.. All I know is that Big Z is a lady killer and he hired us enforcers to make sure that nobody takes his women. 😔
  2. Gators and cats get along if you raise them as kittens and... Well what do you call a baby gator? And I'm not Zeni, he's a friend of mine and he is very cool... And powerful
  3. Skunks don't look like alligators at all. One is a furry mammal and the other is a scaly reptile.
  4. Come on, be cool now. I said I was sorry! I don't wanna fight him 😞
  5. Don't tell him! Please don't tell him! I'm sorry! 😨
  6. I'm not the Z-Man, but wow that's gonna be something else. I hope you're wrong. That'll take a few guys to get that powerful man off of the sexy 18 year old Stacy he was cuddling with before his heart attack and I expect a Kobe Bryant type tribute since he never got to go to prom with her.
  7. Cartoon Network + Fox Kids >>> Nickelodeon... But Hey Arnold... That was dope, one of the best cartoons ever easily
  8. Hey, birthday boy, show some respect here. The Z-Man is *looks backward at massive enforcers cracking their knuckles* what you call... well connected. 😒
  9. It's legal to have pet alligators in the South. Bring him inside.
  10. I haven't cried this hard since Titanic. God damn, I can't even imagine a universe without this dude.
  11. Zeni could be Al Pacino's grandson. That man will get the pure, untainted, young woman he's been pursuing all these years. He'll be the first to win her and win the prize. I know it. I just know it...
  12. I wish in Serpico he didn't let his wife walk all over him. You know that scene when she says "It's over!!", he should have said something badass like "NO! I'll TELL you when it's over!", but that wouldn't go over well with today's skinny jean, Starbucks drinking white knights. 😞
  13. Happy Birthday, but you're too old for the 18-20 year old range. Might I suggest 27+ year old females? 🎉🍿🙏
  14. Lily ❤ I... I've got to have her! 🏃
  15. This mf'n mouse is fast. I saw him twice already and I put my sneakers on. Not gonna let this little rodent bite me when I'm having the best time of my life since my sociable college days. He's gonna have to bite me on my neck to get to me. How can I play Mario Tennis with a clear mind while this is going on? I'm on a 9 game winning streak. 😡🐁 🔫
  16. Why don't you bring him inside? Alligators are good pets, just need to train them
  17. I knew I wasn't alone. The Z Man has been cheated out of his prizes for how many years now? And every time it's a new excuse or explanation or something. Get that man his escorts already! He's the top dog bro. 💪💪💪
  18. Don't let anybody know, but apparently he has. Little Johnny is on the way.
  19. Nah not him. The Z Man did bully and heckle him at a basketball game once. The Z Man doesn't want me to use his formal username here. He doesn't want people to know too much.
  20. Most definitely. Most definitely. He's out there right now with some girl, I'm just wondering what it was like
  21. Well listen, the Z Man told me that this site is the spiritual successor of another site that used to promote dating, and on those boards there was something called the Female Collector or something like that and he really wanted this one chick from the "Comedy boards" named Svetlana really badly, but she would never reply to his messages on that FC thing.. And this was when he was 16 and he was looking for her for years afterward on the old website he told me, but he could never find a trace of her anywhere. I feel bad for my man because he kept track of things and he still wonders to this day if she had been talking to other guys instead of him and what her reason was for never returning. And I believe she was older than he was by a few years, but sexiness knew no age back then. This is like the plot to Titanic.
  22. He told me through DMs that he didn't really like how there wasn't a dating/hookup subforum, but I need to know what it was like. He fascinates me. 🕵
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