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Everything posted by Ultima

  1. Lmao this is the nerdiest sh-- ever. She's talking about losing characters in a VR game like they're risking their lives on a Vietnam jungle campaign.
  2. War of Underworld is Japan's revenge for World War II. 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵
  3. It's getting me a little angry how they keep calling this the "beta" test.
  4. My heart just skipped several beats. 🙀❤
  5. Now they have to go against an army of 16 year old pimply virgins and 40 year old couch potatoes. Smh, that's just cruel
  6. "Point taken, m'lady." All that's missing now is the fedora and a bouquet of roses.
  7. They just don't make 'em like this guy anymore. I haven't received any DMs from him yet.
  8. This is too fun. Work is so boring. I'm gonna intentionally catch the Coronavirus so that I can cite psychological trauma as my reason for not returning to work whenever that is. This is a brilliant plan!! 🐺
  9. I have it for PlayStation and I beat it when I was 7 and never played it much afterward. I only recall struggling toward the end on that Olympus sky level. My PS3 has had the YLOD for 2 years and I haven't gotten it repaired, but once I do, I'm positive I can pop the disc in there and breeze through it.
  10. I hope it goes well for them and he forgives her. He also DM'ed me about an autobiography he's writing. It's titled: From Humble Beginnings- The Evolution of an Alpha Male
  11. He just DM'd me over Instagram and told me that he found Lily's whereabouts.
  12. Not sure why I was tagged, but this is a pretty good topic! I almost forgot about Zen. I can't believe he actually did all that. He's a guy who really puts his foot down and gets his answers. The cops, his boss, Lilly, 😲
  13. So it's not a manly RPG then...
  14. American Horror Story started in 2011, not 1984.
  15. Soma's partying with 4 or 5 cute girls and those dudes are mad. 😸
  16. Right when he was about to tap Megumi in on the shoulder and give her a surprise kiss too. Damn, this man has to stop thinking about cooking so much and start thinking about starting a family. 🤦
  17. She's not asexual, she's just shy. Soma needs her tonight.
  18. Even if Soma loses to blondie, he can just have relief sex with Megumi later on to get over it.
  19. I like most of the characters in Food Wars, but it's just way too formulaic and repetitive. I prefer SAO and Demon Slayer by a landslide.
  20. Muzan will pay for all the lives he ruined. I hope Tanjiro dismembers him into a hundred pieces and tosses them into a wood chipper.
  21. I can't believe this garbage, he has 4 girls fighting over him and he's in a coma. My friend is texting me about how upset he is.
  22. I have this friend, who is an alpha male who isn't brain dead, and he's never had two hot girls fight over him like this. Don't any of you find this episode a little unrealistic and infuriating?
  23. Like the baseball player?
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