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Everything posted by Ultima

  1. They cancelled Demon Slayer for Mob Psycho 100, which is garbage. What?!?!? Whatever, I'll find the rest of Demon Slayer online like I should have done from the getgo, but I'm not a paying a dollar for any BS subscription. What a bunch of trash bro!! I have no reason to watch this sh-- anymore!! I'm gonna drink and play my Switch on Saturday nights from now on, and I grew up on Toonami as a little kid in the 90s, Voltron was my show, Cartoon Network was fi fi 🔥 in general. I stayed watching Toonami after it went from weekdays to Saturday exclusive because I thought maybe you'd surprise me, so I suffered through all that kiddy crap, Gundam Seed was trash, and all you did over the past fifteen or so years was throw a bone to us here or there like the Month of Miyazaki and Hellsing Ultimate, Gundam Unicorn, and Parasyte, but otherwise it was mostly kiddy TRASH. I am a GROWN man. I don't wanna watch no bull---- Naruto or Pokemon or My Hero Academia, give me some REAL action!!! I'm done with this crap! I'll stick to the dubbed site I use, watching subs on the free Anime Network subscription that comes with my TV package, and buying overpriced stuff on blu ray that I can't get for free online. You really screwed up Toonami! You belong on Chris Hansen's podcast based on your taste in animation!! We OUT 😡😡😡
  2. If this is for real, I'm about to blow up.
  3. Girls from my era are too stubborn apologize to me for why they chose them instead of me, even though they were wrong to make such foolish decisions and they give me that nauseous feeling in my stomach that you get when you go to Gamestop and buy a $5.99 VG from ages ago instead of the cool stuff. Girls from the Gen Z era are letting all these outside opinions influence them and I can't shut up the outsiders, who should be minding their own business instead of being jealous. And Gen Z women are weird and like girly men. Help? Maybe the Z Man knows what to do.
  4. It's so frustrating because I just wish I could catch her in the act and beat up the beta male she's cheating on me with.
  5. I keep them and I get furious if a girl who I'm texting and doesn't respond deletes mine because she gave me her number to begin with and if she doesn't respond, I'll assume she's off to promiscuous things.
  6. I need to save the Gen Z women. They can't do this on their own. If I don't save them, it'll be too late and they'll... They'll... 😓
  7. Hmmm yeah well I was making a broader point, but you kinda get it. Never change who you are to appear cool and get panties to drop. Groupthink is fake, I need to make sure my Gen Z ladies get the message before it's too late. My mission in life is to save them before it's too late.
  8. You talk to a peer and it's like, "High school? That was like 50 years ago. We were kids." and you're like "No. It was 4 years ago and I wasn't a kid, I wasn't packing Lunchables and Capri Suns to school." And then you talk to another peer and it's like, "College? That was like a throwback." And you're like, "5 years ago is a throwback?" My millenial peers... Smh... Always trying to act like 50 year old CEOs. 🤦‍♂️ Gen Z I don't claim them. They've got dating excuses and just excuses in general. Please be different, m'ladies. 💆
  9. I know what you mean. There are some girls who I just want to kiss and cuddle with all the time.
  10. Yeah I was wondering how many choices there could possibly be. I got tyrant, which is only natural since I'm an alpha male and this test was likely created by feminists.
  11. I love and still own the original Streets of Rage and I made my mom rent me 2 and 3 from Blockbuster when I was 7 and spent the entire weekend beating them, but I'll pass on this. Lukewarm reviews from Game Informer and IGN (7/10 by both).
  12. 😓 RIP Harambe. If only he had known. I wish he had gone all out and charged at the effeminate employee who shot him. Wasn't even man enough to give Harambe a fair one
  13. Why didn't the people who took him out face first degree murder charges? That rilla coulda turned into a killa if he wanted to and turned the Cincinnati Zoo into a total warzone, but he was kind-hearted and gave himself up instead of starting an all out rampage, yet he was brutally murdered by a couple of skinny, cowardly beta males with weapons. 🤦‍♂️
  14. Secret of Mana on my Super Nintendo Mini.
  15. Or do you think covid19 will defeated once and for all? My friend was telling me about how in this movie called The Thing, there's this parasitic organism that attacks people and he says that what if this is like that movie
  16. That's the ga.. I mean that's the dumbest outcome. They try to make Felix into an incel who can't get the girls in the game when he's actually one of the more badass characters. The incels are really Ashe and Ignatz.
  17. On an alpha male note, Seteth and Felix's A support. That sh-- hit town. I always try to get my mans Felix to marry Ingrid, Leonie, Catherine, or Shamir. He needs a hot girl.
  18. Don't they remember how we used to collect their lunch money and kiss the ladies they liked on Valentine's Day? Crushed their dreams of crushes back in HS. Now they're thinking that the virtual world will allow them to supplant us. 😸 I'm going to a Counterstrike tourney once society is back to normal and we can hit up beaches and clubs again just to see how their frat boy act holds up in the presence of a true 🏋.
  19. I scored an 11 👨‍👩‍👧
  20. Only if I was the one who got her pregnant. Otherwise, no way. It'll only infuriate me every time I see her belly.
  21. It's a romantic duet, and I'll lip sync it. Me: "I'm just a boy... Looking for a legal girl." Stacy: "I'm just a girl... Looking for a manly boy." Together: "You and I... We can be together forever baby." 👫 Still needs work
  22. The original was a one level at a time side scrolling platform game, but then I believe starting with Symphony of the Night it became like Metroid? I've always pondered this. It's like Castrevania ripped roff rother games
  23. The Z Don has informed me that you are in consideration. Don't try to contact him before he calls you though because ummm... *cracks knuckles* we'll have a problem on our hands.
  24. and almost did something you regretted? I nearly broke my Nintendo Switch pro controller when I was playing Tetris 99 the other day. There was an event for a theme from the fitness game Ring Fit Adventure and one of the songs in the game... Well I think the lyrics are "Hands out, feet set" or something along those lines, but I was drinking and it sounded like "Incel! She said!" and anybody who is familiar with the work I'm doing in my local community knows that I'm an advocate for everyone's rights and it just infuriated me to think they could put those lyrics into a video game and how disgusted that community would feel if they heard those lyrics. I was able to stop myself short of smashing my controller and once I sobered up, I realized that I was wrong and need to get my hearing checked. 💪👊 👨‍👩‍👧
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