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Everything posted by Ultima

  1. Ravens can't speak, they chirp, the only animals we might be able to communicate with are monkeys
  2. Tanjiro or however you spell his name will forever be a beta male for white knighting that situation smh
  3. White knight. And he used to be a cool protagonist too. I'm done watching this sh-- after that
  4. Alpha Male
  5. Ladies in their 20s and 30s annoy me tbh.
  6. Happy birthday! When she was born, the woman I'm crushing on was in 3rd grade. Isn't that crazy?
  7. What?! I rrally didn't like this Zenigunham guy at first, but now I see there's deeper meanings behind his actions. I don't mind if he gets with Aubrey, it's a good match, he can pass for a teenager and I see them doing OK together, self-deprecating teen and confident, young man
  8. What?! I rrally didn't like this Zenigunham guy at first, but now I see there's deeper meanings behind his actions. I don't mind if he gets with Aubrey, it's a good match, he can pass for a teenager and I see them doing OK together, self-deprecating teen and confident, young man
  9. Seems he's in between, but a product of the late 90s early 2000s but more skewed toward the early 2000s.
  10. "Imagine" Look at you in your 30s borrowing that BS that skinny, weak teens and yuppies spit out. Popular or not, talk like that will go down in the annals of history as being weak garbage. Beta male...
  11. Do you know this guy?
  12. Dude, you're like 35, come on take control of things already
  13. I hated salad as a kid because I thought it was weak and unmanly, but ever since my early 20s I've loved a good Ceasar Salad and I'm an alpha. There are others.
  14. "Link games"? You mean The Legend of Zelda games. There's no such thing as "Link games", Poof.
  15. Don't do that.
  16. I'll be your friend. My Switch friend code is: 036658044701
  17. I'll be your friend. My Switch friend code is: 036658044701
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