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Everything posted by Ultima

  1. Don't try to play the Z Man. He tips the scales at 179 of unadulterated muscle today because he hit the weights and filled out his adult frame. You couldn't expect him to stay 19 forever. This dude has evolved. He's everyone's hero and yet, at the same time, a lone wolf who lurks in the shadows. The enigma world needs, but isn't quite ready for 🐺
  2. My friend foresees in the future that, even though his channel will never be monetized, if he builds up too large of a cult following, they'll remove his channel for not being profitable to them b/c of pressure from other users and b/c they only want wannabe reality show personalities, informational channels, uncommon interest channels, and such. It's like if the backlash against him is really strong, they'll find a reason to remove him because he's such a stud. How did YouTube come to this? It's basically MTV or Bravo on the internet now.
  3. The Z Man looks amazing for his age. I don't even know HOW he pulls it off. I'm gonna have to start calling him Zeni Houdini. 🎩
  4. Doesn't that Viper guy have crazy meltdowns when he can't stop the Z Man? That's what I was told.
  5. Wow the Z Man is lit! Like Ok Boomer this is everything nobody casually twerking MOOD type lit!
  6. Lol incel. Dude just go for girls in your league. Don't compare yourself to him and the prizes he wins.
  7. Ummm Z Money is young and attractive. I've seen 18 year old women lose their minds over him.
  8. Is he just in a slump? Not nearly as many girls are talking to him like they were 5+ years ago. Is it because OkCupid changed their messaging system? He looks better than ever. I've seen before and after pics. Why's he struggling to land the 5 star recruits? They must be changing or something, this is... weird.
  9. Don't call that Stacy the b word. Ugh I need to find out more about her, she looks familiar
  10. Sounds like a girl's drink
  11. Tenchi Muyo isn't really trash. It's just trash trash. 🐷
  12. Oh I thought that was a Rain Man reference.
  13. I ship Maria and the chubby man 👨‍👩‍👧
  14. Why didn't she marry the chubby dude instead? They had better chemistry. She's acting so fake for that professor guy.
  15. Not even in a frat or wearing a decent button down and still scoring with 10/10s. I don't think people appreciate how hard that is to actually do. The Z Man can get it.
  16. I never get any of the people you reference tbh. They're all from like 200 years ago and are so obscure. RIP
  17. Speaking of Z Money, he scored a huge victory tonight. The young woman he was crushing on in HS updated her Facebook profile pic and she looks miserable. That doesn't make him happy, but the picture was taken from inside her boyfriend's house (she moved in with him a few months ago and the house was sold to him for $5 by his parents). That can only mean that their breakup is inevitable. No he did not win the prize, but I bet she's wishing she was15 again and could go back to 2008 and recognize the real alpha on the block. *evil grin* 😼
  18. They're free. I'll conduct them like internet group therapy sessions. If you're suffering from any kind of mental distress as a result of this pandemic, I'm here to help alleviate your pain.
  19. What does it mean when people say "alt" around here?
  20. The Z Man is a dude. Smh. That's his ex-girlfriend. I texted back and forth with her and she explained everything that happened between them. 🚬
  21. Imagine the Z Man being tied to a chair during an interrogation session smh. Obvious defamation of character. 🤦‍♂️
  22. I asked him, but he was pretty mum about it. He just stood there looking up at the night sky, hair rustling in the wind, and uttered, "High school... Legal hotties..." and then he got into his Uber and I haven't had the chance (or the nerve) to ask him about it again since.
  23. Does anyone know what the Z Man was like in high school? My teacher told me to write a paper in my online class because I kept forgetting to log in to our virtual sessions, so now she wants a 5 page essay on an influential person in my life.
  24. He told me that in order to pick up 18 year Generation Z women you need to speak Gen Z lingo. He gave me a great line to use. You talk to the young woman and say something funny and then you say, "Did you just smile at me unironically?" and that's because Gen Z talks like that and he said it'll make her blush. 😌
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