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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. Plague INc? Boring game too many advertise too much premium currenyc 2/5 would not recommend
  2. Also plz dont rec Field of Dreams it is a 7/10 at best personally I would give a 6/10 but 7/10 gerneous
  3. I keep seeing clips online and it looks good does Robin Williams ever beat up Matt Damon? I didnt really like Talented Mr Ripley older Damon flicks are pretty hit/miss imo but wut do u guys think? I kno that its like over 20 yearsa old but its one of those modern "classics" I havent seen yet if not Good Will Hunting wut other recs from around that same time? Plz dont rec Phenomenon w/ John Tarvolta tho seen that one was not impressed
  4. No Kobe Lebron is okay last I heard omg did somethngi happen to Lebron? 😯
  6. Isolate and chill?
  7. Dan Nainan hvae any hot takes?
  8. Is iny of that actually substantiated? I have heard conflicting stroies
  9. Yea thats rite I seen all ur boomer movie grampa I kno ur obscure counter cultrue refrences! 😄
  10. Is this a One Flew Over the Mockinbirds referenced?
  11. Boo hiss
  12. Haha my bff Jill I get that refrence
  13. Specifically looking for ones that don't feel the need to say shit constantly every few seconds ie "DUUUUDE!!! WOAH!!!! OH MY GOD GUYS DID YOU SEE THAT?!!?!? BROOOOOO!!!!" thx
  14. Rite its like he felt like he needed to justify every thing Ichigo did in the series for some reason
  15. Idk and you know fair enough Super Eyepatch Wolf got a few things wrong in his video but he already made another video adressing those inaccuracies I cant imagine he drones on about one video for two hours, probably talks about other stuff but it was just such an obvious ploy and it comes across like he feels personally attacked because he likes BLEACH and feels compelled to defend the series because he likes it not because he thinks it needs to be stanned. Maybe I'm wrong but thats all this monstrosity of a video essay seems to be about
  16. Intents AND purposes......
  17. I got about 15 minutes in and it turned into what I was afraid it was gonna turn into.... a refutation of Super Eyepatch Wolf's three year old video on BLEACH... Maybe it gets into other territory later on but this is gonna be a mega SKIP for me plus he talks way too fast as goes really out of his way to defend Ichigo character traits YAWN
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