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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. Idk why but I am getting some really entitled vibes from some of u in here lol like they owe it to u to keep going? Do u personally fund them on Patreon or something? You know ur not locked into an ironclad contract rite? U can just... u kno... cancel ur subscription to it? Wutever I enjoyed their DBZ Abridged and if it never get to the Buu arc who really cares? One of the lamest and weakest arc in that show overall imo anyway. Thanks for all the laughs and fun times guys wish you good fortune and success in the future. Lol was that so hard? Idk man why u so bitter about this? Edit: Feken lel to anyone says shit like "Idk man fame hit them in a bad way" coming from someone never been famous themselves LOL WOW
  2. 'No I didnt read it but it looks like a self help seminar or PUA conference judging from the pics
  3. Oh wow is that like a self help conference or somethng? There are some pretty neat and big expo centers in Florida I went to a boat show once very strange to see all these giant yachts insinde this huuuuge ass building nice boats tho
  4. I have some fam in Florida u kno its really not that bad they are hard working honest ppl only the weird meth heads are on the coasts and the panhandle, honestly most the hate ppl have for "Floridians" are in actuality just Southern Alabamans
  5. Its like that Chrisophter Nolan movie..... Batman
  6. Like wut does "built to spill" even mean u kno?
  7. I just appreaciate anyone really that is a master of their craft whether its tricks or musicality or painting or building shit its cool and gives my lame ass something aspires to
  8. Lulz ur skin is slightly brown makes u a foreigner = instant lelz cuz foreign things are the lelz 😓
  9. Now a lot of you might look at him and go.... well what race IS he? His dad is Indian and his mom is Japanese.... He is like Harold AND Kumar.... Jk tho just any chance to thorw shade on Dan Nainan is great
  10. But srsly hope you dont have a visit from Corona-chan I hear she is deadly 💀
  11. Hello. Oh what? This? I just think it looks stylish *holds breath* 😷
  12. And in context tho not always the case it tends to be used in a derogatory way like most of the time when people say "bend the knee" they are saying the person is being submissive to an evil or maleficent entity/party it happened like every episode in Saoilr Moon and stuff like that Oddly enough could not find many pictures for reference but when I think of "bend the knee" my mind goes straight to this, or Darth Vader or maybe the only good example I can think is like people kneeling before Aragon in LotR stuff Some cursory search resuslts suggested by Google had Game of Thrones in it too so maybe it was in that show and has had a surge in popularity lately Idk didnt wathc it myself
  13. Idk about that but "bend the knee" and "kiss the ring" are pretty old, common colloquialisms means pretty much the same thing the way I understand it https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/bend-the-knee https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kiss_someone%27s_ring Really just means people are submissive and obedient in this case submitting to the SJW agenda or whatever
  14. My baller brother just kidding I got lucky w/ a lotto ticket
  15. I used two just yesterday so... yesterday
  16. U kno I never puzzled out that thats how this particular trick got done.... maybe I am just simple minded or this person is a lying
  17. I been watching this fram by frame and still dont know what hes doing this wow masterful sleight of hands
  18. Yeah the downvote is just a dirty torll imo torlls and cwowards
  19. Wow nice MCatIS sig and avatars 👌 tonight tonight
  20. K as long as theres no incest were not a hentai wer run a clean ship around here
  21. Were just one big dysfunctionlal famly
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