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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. Huh? They look the same in the thumbanils not sure wut u are getting at w/ this
  2. Is she the owner of Crunchyroll or something? I havent heard anything about them getting fired or replacing someone
  3. No sorry I didnt really watch it like a minute or two and someone else said that maybe HBO Max will be compition to it but I dont have HBO Max or Disney+ I didnt even know Rooster Teeth had actual productions now these days I thought they did Red VS Blue and that was a long time ago
  4. Yeah I could never see VRV being a mainstay I never used it it looks really limited and redudnant
  5. Lytbryt


    Oh I thought this wa s a joke name thread
  6. Weird flex but okay
  7. Gross srsly? I guess I'll have to start buying my whole beans and grinding them
  8. Lytbryt


    Ben N. Cider
  9. It's like they name these things out of spite
  10. How can they? From what I have heard the working conditions are atroicious
  11. Ha ha yeh George tried to change that Idk why tho also Deckard is not a replacement
  12. Yeah that is unavoidable really gross kinda like ur toothbrush having fecal particles on it and ur phone is really really gross too cuz ur hands are gross
  13. I was getting that like everywhere today actually. All I did was go to the gas statioin and then the Wendys and I swear everyone was looking at me weird even when slowly driving through the parking lots I mean I know I look pretty rough rite now maybe I should have dolled up before leaving but cmon it cant be that bad can it? Idk maybe it can or maybe I'm just being paranoid I mean like sually I dont care but when its like everyone then when you get home and check yourself in the mirror like wtf
  14. According to this I guess Idk I havent even ehard of like half this shows
  15. You mean like something you grabbed but later on were like nah dont want/cant afford? I usually try to do that but would be lying if I said I had never plucked several items from the bakset/cart and left them to the far side of self checkout to be dealt with by someone else. A few times I've even debited baking soda, a cheap drink or a yeast packet and left the unwanted item at checkout because I couldn't be bothered to drive to the bank/it's cheaper than any other ATM fee availabe. If I see an item on the floor next to the rest of its kin I dont mind picking it up and putting it back but the baby wipes and cold medicine that managed to sneak onto the soup shelf are just gonna stay there not my problem
  16. JR cutter and pedal?
  17. Oh so its one of thoes videos huh... I'm suprised they are allowing that to be on YouTube
  18. For whatever reason on black Firday there was a door in the road on the way to the store so I got out and kicked it off to the side of the road Idk how a door got into the middle of the road like that weird
  19. Oh damn that sucks... 🙁
  20. Not really but kinda related
  21. Wut makes u so sure?
  22. Nearly $800,000 and they very nearly beat the brand new Scott Cawthon game Scott is going to donate over $300,000 himself pretty successful livestream all in all 🤗
  23. ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
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