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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. Wait are u saying its not normal to be at war w/ a crime syndicate ? ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  2. Cool I like Buddy reviews
  3. No shame smh
  4. Wow calm down here take a valum
  5. Happ burfday thos some nerd ass caeks tho
  6. And don't forget Cowboy Bevop
  7. Ergo Proxy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN511egtpvA
  8. Welcome to the NHK
  9. It looks pretty send me the files when ur get teh bluerays
  10. I hpoe the make a season 2 one of my fave animes
  11. Idk why people aren't liking the new Father of All album I gave it a lilsten couple days ago and yeah not earth shattering or reivniting the weheel but it's alright. Fantano gave the album a zero ie 0/10 and I ust don't see it. Maybe I am blinded by nostalgia or my taste in music is just awful; First - Concert: Second - Fantano lambasting 'Father of All' :
  12. Wut? Nah I don't do any pk and wtf is a xanxax? i only dabble w/ herb every once in ai while
  13. What's so funny @Admin_Raptorpat? ๐Ÿคจ
  14. Can share weed w/ me pl0x?
  15. Eh just be open and honest with him. Explain why you believe what you believe and have him present his beliefs to you. Agree to disagree, or have some polite debate. Idk tho
  16. Most closet conservatives are also closet potheads go figure
  17. Has anoyone else been notciing this trend? I swear this is like the tenth game or so I've seen in the past couple months where it's going for this ultra old school feel cuz the 90s yo REMEMBER THE 90s?!?! PLAYSTATION WWAAAAHHHNNNNNN BROOOOOOOOOO!!!!! And like the textures stretch on the floor and walls a lot for some strange reason ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ Wutever I guess this is the cool new asthetics
  18. ๐Ÿ™‚
  19. Ur wordz are mean and hurtful! ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
  20. I like the Helling abridged at least Taka did good and finihsed that one
  21. Wow TL;DR
  22. Nice shirt.
  23. Wow neat
  24. Hehe I love some of LKs stuff
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