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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. Smoke a bowl and get krunkt
  2. Eh its fine its not really makes fun of him in fact it is pretty respectful imo
  3. https://www.tmz.com/2020/01/10/neil-peart-dead-dies-brain-cancer-rush-drummer/
  4. Cool to see the dad from The VVitch still getting work... too bad this movie is probly be terrible... when they adding jumpscare stings to regular normal characters just like popping out and going BOO! thats a bad sign imo
  5. Lytbryt


    They probably plan to have him be a main character later on so they had to make him not a sadistic psychopath like the older movies
  6. Lytbryt


    Its a pretty good movie I saw it a year ago whne it came out in theaters
  7. Lytbryt


    Oh I know its beeen aout for awhile now its just funny such flagrant abuse of YT copyright no monetizatino no filter workaround its been up for over a day and the view count is already over 100k I seriously dont know how they havent been banned or deleted yet
  8. Lytbryt


    I douubt it will be up much longer tho get some while the gettings good
  9. Lytbryt


  10. Evn though technically the new decade doesnt start until end of this year no year 0 and allthat....
  11. I eat them out of a cup like a farm animal w/ my little pretzel trough
  12. Thats weird I dont even drink I like them
  13. Some leftover krab rangoon from the Thai place, som emerald glazed pecans and SNyders honey mustard and onions pretzel bits
  14. Idk didnt watch much past he origina l digidests but only seen the first movie or so
  15. Still cool to see all da OGs ya kno
  16. Idk this honestly the first Digmon movie I heard of since that one like where they go into the internet to fight the internet Digmion
  17. 😭
  18. I guess u went home slacker
  19. So she fites fire w/ fire? I dont get it
  20. Is shes a witch that casts speels?
  21. Yeah I feel kinda bad for those people but also really funny to think "Oh some guy just stole all of my gear some that actually cost real world money oh well thats just part of the CHARM!" 😂 I mean apparently the shut the servers down and have supposdely fixed this issue but the fact that they let it happen in the first place is just appalling and what are they gonna do about the hundreds of people that were looted before they took any measures to put a stop to this? Maybe they can rewind it or something like a backup point but who knos this is just insane
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